Chapter Fourteen

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Okay, so, yeah, I know. Not the best ending, but I wrote these last two chapters two months after I'd started this story, which I wrote in about August 2010.

Anyways, enjoy and vomemnt, Josie x.


Chapter Fourteen

   I turned and saw Henry. He just stared at me, hate filling his eyes. I started to cry heavier. Henry came and sat by me. "How could you?" He asked.

"I can't do this. I can't. There's too much bad stuff." I replied lightly, pain and fear being projected through my tone.

"And what about the good?"

"What good?"

"Family, friends."

"I've ignored them all."

"I noticed."

"Addi thinks I'm total stuck up cow for getting upset about what you told me but...she hasn't had her dad die and her boyfriend dump her in that week has she?" Henry didn't say anything. "I'm sorry." I whispered. Henry pulled me into his chest and let me cry.

   When I'd finished crying, Henry lifted me up and carried me to his car. We sat in silence for a minute before I said "How did you find me?"

Henry paused before saying "I've considered certain things too. Life's an ass, I know. You don't have to tell me twice."

"I'm sorry."

"Never happened."


"Do you wanna' come back to mine?"

"Please." I whispered as I cried into his chest.

   When we got back to Henry's, I saw that it was half nine. I sat on the sofa while Henry made us both breakfast. When we sat down to eat it, we sat in silence. After, I looked at Henry and said "Thanks."

"It's only breakfast." He replied.

"No. I mean thanks for coming and finding me."

"Perfectly alright."

"Ummm, am I alright to go for a lie down? I barely slept last night."

"Sure. Make yourself at home." I smiled and made my way up the stairs. When I was in Henry's room, I pulled one of his shirts from his wardrobe, took my jeans and top off and slipped Henry's on and climbed into his bed. I fell asleep straight away.

   When I woke up, I saw Henry sat beside me, watching me again. I smiled at him and said "Are you gonna' sit there like a lemon or come and bask in the heat this duvet provides? I feel like a loner under here on my own." He grinned and got under the duvet.

"Shit. You're right, it is warm. I swear you're like a radiator."

"Mmm hmm. Forty degrees." Henry grinned and kissed me on the nose.


"Don't be."


"Well, being up there I had a lot of time to think and, well, I've realised...I do love you." I paused and took a deep breath. "I just love you differently to Wesley. I loved the way Wesley acted with me. But, I love you because you're you. You're the same with me as you would be with anyone else. Wesley changed completely when he was around me. He was a total ass around other people and now, I think he was only with me for the sex."

"I dont' treat you like anyone else."

"You do."

"No, I treat you like a person, but I treat you like one I care for very deeply. Also, too much info there, babe."

"Really?" He nodded, a smile taking over his lips. "And, yeah, sorry. But it's true."


"Come 'ere. I missed your hugs." Henry then pulled me into his arms and I rested my head against his chest. He kissed the top of my head and then his fingers started to roam around in my hair. "What is it with hairdressers and messing around with girls hair?"

"I think the name kinda' tells you." Henry laughed. I lifted my head up and kissed Henry on the lips. He kissed me back, his hands still rummaging around in my hair. He pulled away and whispered "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied, kissing him again.

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