Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

   The next day, Addi cam into my room and got it out of me. She asked me why I was upset and I told her. I told her that Henry had told me that he loved me. Addi didn't get how I was feeling though. She said "What?! This is why you're upset?! He loves you, that's a great thing."

"Depends what way you think about it." I muttered.

"Oh, Kate! Stop acting like a stuck up cow! He's such a nice guy and he-"

"Get the fuck out of my room, now." I snarled.


"Get out!" I shouted.

"See: stuck up cow." Addi said as she walked out of my room.

For the next two weeks, I ignored everyone. My family, Henry, friends, all of them. When I was able to walk in my own to feet, I started to take long walks for inspiration and shit. After a week or so, I had it. I knew what I was going to do. I needed a big hug from my dad and there was only one way to do that. One night I wrote three letters. One for Wesley, one for Henry and one for my family.

Dear Wesley,

I'm sorry it didn't work out between us. I really did like you but I understand that you felt lumbered with my emotions and problems. I understand, it was just as hard for you as it was for me. I just want you to know that what I'm doing has absoloutely nothing to do with you. I don't want you to feeel bad. Be happy for me. Please.

Love Kate xxx.

Dear Henry,

I'm sorry I acted the way I did with you. I shouldn't have and I'm really sorry. I was leading you on without even thinking that I was. I suppose it's because Wesley and I were like that all the time and saw nothing of it. So, just forgive me. I do like you. Lots. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to love you. So, what I'm going to do isn't because of you. If you ever think it is then I will personally haunt you. Remember: not your fault.

Love Kate xxx


I love you all and I'm doing this because I need him. I need him and I'll do anything for him.

Love Kat xxx

   The next morning, I woke up at half five and left the letter for my family on the coffee table. I then put Wesley's letter through his door and the same with Henry's. I walked to one of the biggest buldings in town. It was a block of flats. Seven storeys high. When I got to the roof, I sat and thought for a while. I just sat. I told myself that I had to do this and stood up. I stood on the edge, left only with my thoughts. As I tried to convince myself that I was doing the right thing, my thoughts did the exact opposite. They kept on telling me that this was the last thing that I needed to do. As salty tears ran down my cheeks, I willed myself to do it. I nearly did it...until I heard it.

   "I love you, Kate!"

   I turned to see the one voice that I blocked out of my head. I took several steps back and fell to the floor.

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