Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

   After the doctor had examined my ankle and said a few things that I nodded and mmm hmmed to, he gave me some crutches and told me to use them for about two weeks. I used the crutches all the way to the car and laughed about how much of a failure I was at using them. It had rained that morning and now I had a soggy sock. We went from the hospital to some cafe and had hot chocolate. While drinking my hot chocolate, it reminded me about throwing my hot chocolate over Wesley. I told Addi the story and she burst out laughing and said she was glad that I ordered a hot drink "Same here." I said, smiling. After, Olly walked home and Addi and I walked to the shop Henry worked in.

   When we got there, Henry was just blow drying some woman's hair. We sat on the sofa and waited for him to finish, talking about going shopping again. When Henry was finished he came over and sat on the sofa with us. "Hey. What're you two doin' here?" Henry asked.

"I hear you took my sister out last night." Addi said.

"Yeah. She got pissed."

"And because of you she's now on crutches."

"Ads, how's it my fault?"

"You got her drunk."

"No. I paid for the drink, I didn't tip it down 'er throat."

"I don't care. You took her out and you should've taken care of her. She's fragile at the moment."

"Ummm, excuse me, can you stop talking about me like I'm not here?" I asked, annoyed.

"No." Addi said.

"Oh, shut up, Addi. It's not his fault and you know it. You were happy that I went out with him last night, you were interrogating me about it this morning. You just wanna' kick up a fuss about it, 'cos that's what you do. But, seriously, can you stop? It's friggin' annoying." I say, my voice rising. Some old woman turned around and glared at me. I stared back at her until she sighed, rolled her eyes and turned around.

"Are you done upsetting customers?" Henry asked, a grin on his face.

"Not really. So, are we done moaning at Henry, Addi?" I asked, turning to face her.

She inhaled and exhaled deeply then said "Whatever."

   "Addi, can you go get the car and bring it round? My ankle's getting a bit sore." I ask.

"Mmm hmm. See you in a minute." Addi stood up, turned on her heel and walked out of the shop.

"I'm sorry. I actually didn't know she was gonna' do that." I say to Henry.

"Don't worry. She was like that with any guy that did something to one of her friends at college. It's quite funny, to be honest." He replied. "So, how's your ankle?"

"How d'you think?" I say dryly, "I'm on crutches."

"I gathered. I mean, does it feel any better?"

"I can't walk without crutches and it's, like, all bruised and stuff. And my foot's cold." A smile was creeping along my face as I said the last bit. Henry laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Feet will warm up."

"Not when the doctor tells you to put ice on your ankle at odd times for the rest of today."

"Ahh. Well, I guess you'll have to live with the cold foot then.

   "Anyways, how long are you on crutches for?" Henry asked, taking his arm back.

"'Bout two weeks."

"Bummer. 'Spose it's better than having a cast, or summin'."


"Well, I was wonderin'...would you wanna' go out again some time?"

"Maybe." I said, smiling.

"Do you wanna' go for dinner one evening?"

"Yes." I heard Addi's horn beeping. I ignored it and said "When?"

"Wednesday evening?" I nodded. "I'll pick you up at seven?" Addi's horn was still going, loudly.

"Yay." I said, speaking my thoughts. "Oh, um, can you put your number in?" I asked, passing him my phone.

He put his number in and said "Here you go." He then hands me his phone and says "Can you put yours in?" I nod and put my number into his phone. When I hand it back to him, he strokes his thumb along my jawline and says "I'll see you then. I think Addi wants you." I roll my eyes. "Get better and don't wear heels."

I smile. "I can't."

Henry stands up and extends his hand to me. "I'll see you then." I take his hand and he helps me up. I grab my crutches and slip my arms into them.

"Thanks." I say. "Can you help me outside? I don't think I can get into Addi's car without hurting myself. You know what she's like, crappy parker." I say, being majorly flirtatious. He smiles and walks with me outside. When we get to the car, we stop. He then leans down and brushes his lips on mine. I feel my cheeks heat up. I hear little angels singing in my head. I smile and put my hands on his shoulders, my crutches sliding up my arms, and tip-toe to kiss him. He puts his hands around my waist and deepens the kiss. As we kiss, I feel the warmth of his perfect lips and the tickle of his hands on my waist. I felt like screaming because I was so happy.

   BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEP! We instantly pulled away, mostly in shock, due to Addi's impatience and pipping the horn at us. Pulling away from Henry quickly caused me to lose my balance and teeter backwards slightly. Henry wrapped his arms around my waist and righted my balance. I smiled my thanks at him before he dropped a gentle kiss on my lips. We both smiled and then I slid my crutches back in to place. He opened the car door for me, ran his thumb down my jaw line again and helped me into the car. "See ya' Wednesday." Henry says.

I smile and say "Yeah, see you then." Henry closed the door, smiled and winked at me.

   "I hate you." I say to Addi in the tone that she knows means I'm angry but in a jokey way and I'm really trying not to laugh.

"Ohmigod! What did you do?" Addi asked me, grinning.

"Nuffin'." I said, feeling a blush creep up my neck.

"No! You kissed - no, snogged - him! I mean, wow. You've only known him a couple days. You've already been out with him, had him carry you home, snogged him and now you've got something planned for Wednesday. What is going on on Wednesday?"

"He's taking me out to dinner." I mutter, fiddling with the hem of my top.

"Ahhhh! I'm so happy for you. He's a wonderful guy."

"Well, you didn't seem so happy ten minutes ago."

"That's because I know him and he knows that that's just what I do. I've done it to him when he went out with Becky and she came back with wine on her new top."

"He spilled it on her?"

"No. She was already drunk and dropped it when she got it."


"You see, he knows that I blame him for anything that goes wrong on a date."

"Mmm hmm." I'd stopped listening and sat in my happy bubble, reliving the kiss in my head the whole way home.

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