Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

   Me and Henry sat in some little coffee shop he knew and were just talking while we waited for our drinks. "So what does your life consist of if it's not hairdressing and stalking?" I asked, smiling.

"The usual stuff." Henry replied, shrugging, as if trying to shake off the question.

I carried on and said "How did you meet Addi?"

"College. She had a friend that was doing the same course as me."


"Age." He said boredly.

"Yep. Age."

"Twenty two."

"What? How does that work? I thought you and Addi were in the same year thingy."

"She started late and I got skipped ahead in my classes at secondary school."

"Whatever you say."


"I wonder. Hairdressing, art, running - though I'm nothing compared to you. How'd you get that fast? Run for a team?"

"Did. I was on the school track team. Fastest out of the girls and boys."


"Yep. I've never lost a race. Ever."

"Bugger, you're fast, girl." I smiled sweetly.

   Our drinks were brought over to our table and we carried on talking in between drinking. "Okay, how old are you?" Henry asked me.

"Seventeen." I replied.

"Who was that guy that you covered in hot chocolate?"

I sighed. "Ex. At least I think he is."

"And that means?"

"Well, he said he wasn't breaking up with me, that he was just 'giving us a break'." I said.

"And you covered him in hot chocolate because?"

"Because he's a jerk. He knows that I'm the moment and he broke up with me and then told me that he wanted to be 'friends'. I mean, I'd prefer if he'd told me to go jump off a roof, at least I wouldn't have to have him as a friend."

"Why are you irritable at the moment?"


"Which are?"

"Not for you to know."

"Are you sure?"

"About as sure as the fact that if you keep on being so persistent you'll be covered in coffee. Get ma' gist?"

"Yep." Henry replied, smiling at me.

   "So, you free tonight?" Henry asked, clearing the momentary awkward silence that had lingered in the air.

I raised an eyebrow and said "Why?"

"I wonder."

"Which is why I'm asking."

"Do you wanna' go out tonight?"

"Ummm, maybe. Why?"

"You look like you could do with a good night out."


"I know this amazing club. You in?"

"Definitely. Where shall I meet you?"

"I'll pick you up. You be ready by seven."

"Okay, thanks."

   After arranging to go out, we sat and spoke for a bit until we'd finished our drinks. After, Henry walked me home and then I went to my room and cried for a bit. Olly came in and asked what it was. "I saw Wesley." I sobbed.

"And?" He asked.

"And he told me he still wanted us to be friends."

"What did you say to that?"

"I threw my hot chocolate at him and told him that that was what I thought of his frickin' friends. Then I stormed out and met up with a friend."

"I like that idea. I now know what we get from mum."

"Our rage?" I asked, grinning and wiping away my tears.

He smiled said "Exactly." and scruffed my hair about.

"Doooooon't." I moaned, pushing him away. "Henry did my hair earlier and I want it nice for when I go out."

"Yeah. By the way your hair looks gorgeous." Olly pulled me to his side and hugged me.

   "So, did you have a nice time with Addi?" Olly asked.

"Yeah, thanks. We shopped, had lunch, changed clothes, had our hair done and then got our nails done. Oh, and then we had coffee."

"Sounds fun. Why wasn't I invited?" He said, mock-moodily.

"Would you like to wear false nails?"

"Errr, no." Olly said, grinning as a little blush rose to his cheeks. I smiled and pinched his cheeks playfully.

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