Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

   When I woke up, the sky was lighter, the sun was up and my back hurt. I looked around to find that I was still in the park. I must have fallen asleep after running back into town. After running away from that guy. After running, scared for my own life. Then that little thing niggled at me. My father was dead. I wasn't going to see him. Ever. I pulled my phone from my bag and found that it was half nine. I went home, let myself in, showered, changed my clothes and left. I then sent Wesley a text, telling him that I needed to see him. Five minutes later, as I was walking in town, I got a reply. 'Cum 2 mine. Evry1s out. Do u wnt me 2 mak brekfst?'

'Im gd bt u hav sum. C u soon.' I sent back and set off for Wesley's house.

   When I arrived, Wesley opened the door and hugged me. "Hi." I whispered, barely hugging him back.

"What's up, beautiful?" Him calling me 'beautiful' made me flinch, made me think of the guy that I'd run away from last night.

"Stuff." I replied. Wesley towed me into the lounge and we sat down on the sofa. I sat and didn't really interact.

"Okay, what's up. I can tell that you feel awful. You didn't put hugs and kisses at the end of your texts and you've barely said a word. Spill the beans, Kate." Wesley said, taking my hand.

"Ummm, my dad's just died and I've had a major argument with my mum. I got stalked last night after running into the next town. I then ran back here and sat in the park for a bit and fell asleep there and then went home to shower and stuff and I came to see you just see you. I thought you'd understand. I guess not." My voice had started to raise. I stood up and walked towards the door. Wesley stood up and tried to stop me. I glared at him and said "Get out of my way. Now." He moved and I stormed out of his house, slamming the door behind me. I went back to the park where I sat and cried. Again. Later, I got a text from Wesley.

'Srry. Cum 2 mine so i cn apologiz proply. Plz?' I sighed and headed for his house.

   Wesley and I sat in the kitchen at opposite ends of the table and Wesley looked at me and said "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I can't do this."

"What?" I asked.

"I can't be there for you now. I can't love you like you need me to right now."

"Are you dumping me?"

"Not dumping you, giving us a break."

"You bastard!" I growled. I stood up and made the chair fall over while heading for the door. Tears ran down my cheeks. I left his front door open and ran home. I let myself in and cried in my room.

The end of the lineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang