3| Twist

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Finally, the game started.. a rather pleasant atmosphere surrounding the room. Sure the game had advanced enough for the crowd to be noisy. The players for the night becoming more desperate to kill off the last few players, and vise versa. The air grew tense and the duel-haired civilian was unsure as to how he had made it this far, especially considering his position and lack of expertise. Beginner's luck?

The game ended with the detectives losing to the mafia members, including the mafia boss who just so happened to have shocked the various participants as they had all voted him to be the mayor. Yes.. the figure with the most authority, the one the townspeople all trusted, the one who deceived them all.. was the ruthless boss and they just played right into his hand without suspecting the lies and deceit.

Iida Tenya sure was more than just a do-gooder.. he was one dedicated "little" shit.. Regardless, they the mafia won and with that the wildest game ended with a twist most students could not comprehend. 'Who knew he had it in him?' Thought the explosive teen, slightly impressed.
The night was still young and the games were nowhere near finished as a new round followed.

As dawn neared and the games escalated further to the point of pure desperation and stabbing of backs.. deception at its finest, the members of the class paid no regard to the creeping figure in the window, lurking behind the shadows in plain sight. The darkness taking over the man who was definitely up to no good. The man, no creature fueled by the tense mood and though the class definitely didn't mean to lie and scheme towards their friends in a harmful manner, there was no shortage of ill intentions by this man. Him being able to store all the energy from the growing acts of trickery.

Only a little longer and the stage was all his.. 'Just a moment and he is all mine. Just a little longer and you, Shoto Todoroki are under my mercy.. just you wait' assured the sadistic man to himself.

Trapped - TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now