Chapter One- The Orange Hokage Returns!

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I walked next to Pervy sage as we entered the gates of Konaha. It's great to be back! I've missed the smells of the village, the sounds of people going about their day, and the sights of the high mountains and green trees!

I look up and to see the hokage monument, noticing an extra face. "Yo, pervy sage, look! They added granny Tsunade's face up there!" I pointed up. "No way, is that Naruto?" One of the gatekeepers noticed me. I gave him a foxy grin. "Yeah, long time no see!" The gatekeeper shook his sleeping mate, causing him to fall to the ground with a thud.

"Hey, what was that for!" The second gatekeeper jumped to his feet with a red face full of anger. "That was uncalled fo- wait, is that Naruto?!" He quickly shifts his attention to me. "Hey, are you all gonna ignore on of the legendary sannin standing right in front of you?!" Pervy sage bewilderedly points to himself.

"Oh, master Jiraiya!" They both say in unison. I chuckle and run ahead of the Pervy sage, using my chakra to climb a nearby light pole. Once I perch at the top, I stand up and spread out my arms. "Now this takes me back! Leaf village, your favorite orange genin is back in business!" I yell out into the open air, my eyes looking down at the wave of people.

I leap down and start to run deeper into konaha before the Pervy sage jumps in my way. "Hey, what's going on? I wanna go see my friends!" I point my finger into Jiraiya's chest. "Well first, we have to check in with Tsuande to let her know we're back. We both know how serious she is about this stuff!" Pervy sage says with a hint of fear. Then again, she has nearly killed him before.

"Alright, alright! We'll have to get there super fast though, I'll race ya!" I sprinted towards granny Tsuande's office. Eventually, I reach the familiar red hallways of the Hokage's quarters and kick open the wooden door that went into Tsunades office. "Yo, granny, I'm back!" I loudly announce, startling the two people and pig inside. "Naruto?!" Tsunade yells out in both disbelief and anger. "Couldn't have come in a little more elegantly?!" She stands up and flicks me in the forehead before smiling and patting me on the head. "Welcome back, squirt." She rubs my hair.

"Hey, didn't you agree not to call me 'squirt' anymore?" I go a little red in the face. "Eh, it's for old times sake." She giggles. "Anyways, I bet you're itching to see your friends, so go ahead, find em!" She shoo's me off. I chuckle and rush out the office, passing the winded Pervy sage on the way.

I quickly race around the town, my first stop going to be Shikamaru's house, but as I round a corner, I slam into someone else. "Gah!" I fall backwards onto my butt with a thud. "Ah! I'm so sorry, let me help you up!" I hastily stand up and reach out a hand to the poor soul I just knocked down. When the person looks up, I realize that I recognize her. It was Hinata!

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