Chapter Three- Is it a Date?

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Naruto pov

Me and Hinata walked for a couple of minutes until we reached the familiar Ichiraku ramen shop. Soon after we step inside and take a seat, we're greeted by a worker. "My, is that you, Naruto?" The female worker, Ayame, raises a brow with a smile. "Heh, been a while, eh?" I chuckle with a smile. "And who is this fine young lady?" She looks over at Hinata.

"H-hi, I'm H-Hinata." She shyly smiles, her cheeks rosy. I've always wondered what she looked like without a blush, which seemed to be a permanent part of her face. "I'll take the usual, if you still remember what that is." "Oh, as if we could forget, Naruto." Ayame giggles and turns to Hinata. "And what would you like, dear?" "J-just some Chashu ramen, please." Hinata kindly orders her food. With that, Ayame leaves us to ourselves.

I glance at Hinata, my eyes getting a good look at her face. She certainly has gotten older, though not in a bad way. She looks more matured. My eyes shift down, noticing her larger chest. I immediately shoot them back up, a blush creeping over my face. 'C'mon, Naruto, being pervy towards Hinata is crossing the line! She's the most innocent person you know!' I gulp.

"Alright, here's the miso for the man, and the chashu for the lady." Ayame comes in and places our orders in front of us. The smell of it makes my mouth fill will saliva. I immediately start to dig in, wasting no time. I hear Hinata giggle, say grace, then join me. I quickly finish my first bowl and move on to my second, passing a glance at Hinata while chewing on a large piece of pork.

She looks at me with a mouthful of ramen and smiles cutely, causing me to blush for some reason. I remember the feeling of her raven locks curling around my finger, the sensation of her silky hair sending a tingle through my fingers. Soon she also finished her bowl of ramen, bowing her head in gratitude to the cooks.

I set down enough money for the meal and walk out with Hinata. "Jeez, that was better than I remembered!" I lick my lips while rubbing my belly. "Yeah, It really was good." Hinata giggles, slightly catching me off guard. "Hm? What's with that look?" Hinata enquirers about my partly puzzled expression. "Oh, nothing, just," I chuckle a little. "You haven't stuttered at all in a while."

She goes beet red, then looks at her feet. "O-oh, s-sorry, N-Naruto..." she quietly mutters. I furrow my brown and place two fingers in her chin, using them to lift her eyes up so I couch see them. "You don't have to apologize. If anything, I'm proud of you." I smile, which simply makes her go even redder, even making me blush a little.

"Keep your head up, Hinata. All you need is a little bit of confidence, and I'm sure you could get every boy in the village around your finger." I give her a foxy smile, then lead the back of my hand up her cheek and to her hair, tucking her silky locks behind her ear. I slowly move my hand away from her cheek and to her shoulder, then give Hinata another smile. "It was nice catching up." I once again smile, and walk away.

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