Chapter Six- The Waterfall

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Warning! Some sexual references!

Naruto pov

Two days and a ferry ride later, me and Hinata were on the island that we were assigned to look around. There was a large mountain that stuck out in the center of the it that was covered in trees. At the foot of the mountain was a small village that only had two rows of buildings and a couple of houses that surrounded it.

Me and Hinata set up a tent a little ways away from the village, where nobody there could see it, but Hinata using her byakugan could. Our camping ground was close to a freshwater lake that, for the next week, would be our food and water source. Because it was nearing night when we got there, we went to bed so we could wake up early and survey the island.

In the middle of the night, I was woken up by Hinata getting out of her sleeping bag and slipping out of the tent. 'What's she doing, it's the middle of the night. Eh, she probably just needs to take a wizz." think, keeping my mind awake so I could make sure she came back. After over ten minutes, I start to get worried and sit up in my bag. 'Why has she been gone for so long? I'm really getting worried.' "I should go check on her." I decide, and also walk out the tent.

I wander for a couple of minutes on a search for Hinata, my worries only growing the further from camp I go. Eventually, I end up going up a hill that overlooked some part of the island. When I got to the top, I was stunned by the sight. It overlooked a multilayered waterfall that flowed off the mountain and into a large pond. My heart fluttered when I saw who was inside of it.

Hinata, who was complete naked, was floating on her back in the pond, her raven hair spread out in the water with her eyes focused on the starry sky. Though, her hair wasn't the thing I was mainly focused on. Her nude body was curved in such a way that I didn't know was possible. 'Why in all hell would she wear baggy clothes and cover that up?!' My mouth opens in awe.

Her breast's were somehow even larger than they looked when she had her clothes on, and her thighs elegantly curved into her bottom, while her waist remained thin and her stomach stayed flat. Her hands were behind her head and her legs were slightly parted, so when I say I got a full view, I mean a full view. 'I shouldn't be looking.' I tell myself. 'I REALLY shouldn't be looking!' But I stood still.

After nearly an entire five minutes of my pervy staring, I literally slap myself and shrink behind the hill. A feeling of dread crept into my stomach and up my throat. I had just violated the most innocent person I know, and kept staring even when I realized it! I'm such a perverted, horrible person! I feel like punching myself in the gut, but instead just walk back to the tent and slump inside.

"I'm a bad person..." I mumble over and over until I hear footsteps from outside the tent. I quickly slip into my sleeping bag, and get a look at Hinata when she comes back into the tent. Her hair is wet and her face seemed relaxed, completely unaware that I had just seen her completely naked.

She nuzzled back into her sleeping bag, and soon I heard the gentle snores coming from her. But awake I stayed still, unable to fall asleep myself. As the hours passed by, my thoughts seemed to get louder and louder as my regret piled up. It was until the sun was almost up that I felt something behind me. An arm grabbed me, flipped me around and pulled me closer. When I felt warmth and softness once again I realized I had been reunited with Hinata's breasts.

Hinata had, once again, pulled me into her bosom in her sleep. Suddenly, a  wave of fatigue washed over me, my mind just now realizing how tired my body was. 'Wha... no, I can't sleep... I need to... get out... but... so warm... and so...' and just like that, I fell into a deep sleep.

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