Chapter Five: Snuggle Partners

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Naruto POV

Early in the morning, my mind starts to slip out of the peaceful slumber it was in and returning me to the world. I feel so warm, and my mind feels cleared of all stress, like a baby in the morning. Once I open my eyes, I shockingly realize why.

The entire bottom half of my face was currently submerged in Hinata's bosom, only my nose and eyes sticking out. My arms were wrapped around her waist while hers were cradling my head. An intense blush immediately rushed over my face. 'Why am I like this?! This must have happened in my sleep! Damnit, even in my sleep I'm a pervert!' I mentally slap myself.

I attempt to, admittedly hesitantly, pull myself away, just for Hinata to pull me in closer and nuzzle her chin against the top of my head. My eyes look up at her face, noticing a smile on her sleeping face. For a minute I lay there contemplating my options. 'I should leave, it's the morally correct thing to do, but at the same time, I also don't want to leave. I'm so warm, and that was the best I've slept in my entire life. I wasn't kidding when I said Hinata would make a great wife!'

I have to remind myself that a couple of minutes of ecstasy isn't worth losing my friendship with someone I care deeply for. If she woke up, what would she say? She's probably slap me and run off back to the village. She's tell granny Tsunade about how I was such a pervert towards her. I'll be fired from being a shinobi, and I'll be hated even more than I already am! Hinata will hate me, everyone will hate me! I need to get out of this!

With my face still in a burning blush, I hesitantly slide my face through her chest and free myself from her grasp, though pausing in the middle when my head was nearly complete between her breasts. 'Th-the softness and warmth is more than I would have ever dreamed of! And her chest is so big I can fit my entire head between them! If I could, I'd stay like this forever! But I can't, I have to much respect for Hinata to stay like this!'

With another surge of determination, I slip out from her warm bosom and away from her. Immediately, the smile from her face disappears and she starts to toss and turn. With a big yawn, the now awake Hinata sits up, raising her arms for a stretch, which pushes out her already large chest. She looks over to me and smiles. "Good morning, Naruto." She groggily says. "Sleep well?"

My face flushed, the fresh boob scenario coming right back up into my mind. "U-Uh, y-y-yeah, w-we s-should p-probably get g-going s-soon." I slip deeper into my sleeping bag as the heat on my face gets even hotter.

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