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"Lindsey?" I asked out loud. Lindsey didn't say anything. So I walked next to Lindsey's bed and sat on the ground leaning my back against my sister's bed. "I wanted to ask, what happened?"

Maybe Lindsey actually was asleep. It was quiet for a few minutes. I was thinking of getting off the floor and going back to my bed soon.

I hear the sound of Lindsey moving on her bed. So I turned my head around to see Lindsey laying down, but now facing me. Her eyes were opened and she looked at me with a cold blank expression.

"I-" The first word I heard out of Lindsey this evening, yet she sounded broken. Her eyes softened and she actually looked upset. I haven't seen her actually upset in a while. "It was my fault." She croaked out looking away from me, she stared blankly over at my bed.

I couldn't deny with what she said. After all, everyone has been saying it was her fault. But to hear her admitting it? She rarely admits she was in the wrong. So hearing her dryer mouth say she was wrong, it somehow made things feel more real. Maybe a part of my mind was hoping it wouldn't be real. She didn't do anything wrong.

"It wasn't supposed to go that way." Lindsey paused and glanced at me, as soon as she looked at me she quickly looked back away over to my bed once more. "But I encouraged her, I basically made Hannah do it, I put it all in place. I didn't think she'd go that far. When I saw what she did to Karter-I-"

Lindsey paused again as tastes started to form in her eyes. I didn't know how to comfort her. What she did was wrong, and she realized that too late. But I also didn't want to see Lindsey cry, even more, her cheeks were stained red enough.

I placed my hand on hers. She looked over at me. I couldn't smile, I tried not to look sad, I needed to look serious for her. When Lindsey looked me in the eyes she seemed to get even sadder.

Lindsey slowly sat up and wiped her tears away with the back of her hands. I stood up from my place on the floor and sat next to my sister on her bed. I pulled her head onto my shoulder.

"I'm not exactly sure what you did, but influencing Hannah to hurt someone wasn't a good idea." I started to say something hoping it would help. Lindsey used the sleeves of her sweater to dry away more tears. I probably just ended up making her more upset...

"It's a good start that you know what you did was wrong." I said. "That's not all." Lindsey quietly spoke as she silently dried that last of her tears away, for now.

"I had too much confidence in making Hannah fall for my trap, I felt like I was finally the boss for that day today. But I just ended up slapping her. I even tried to play with Richard by making him chase me for the key." Lindsey dryly chuckled. "He sure can punch hard." She placed a hand on her stomach.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Making Hannah fall for a trap?" I asked more specifically. Lindsey looked at me and smiled slightly. The smile she had looked kind of creepy. "I was gonna have her slightly hurt the kid. You know set up the perfect trap and all." Lindsey's eyes softened when she mentioned them but she can't her smile. "And then they would tell Alex who would tell a teacher what happened and finally get rid I her." Lindsey smiled with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"What?" Now I was even more confused. "I thought you liked her, weren't you two friends?" I asked. Lindsey frowned and glared at me. "I know what she was going to do to you. I know what she told you. We're twins after all."

I looked away now feeling guilty. So she did that for me? She hurt someone for me?! "That's not a reason." I mumbled. "I said id do anything for you." Lindsey spoke proudly. "Really?" I looked back over at her. "So you're going to a boarding school for me?! Because of what you did for me?! How is that for me?!" I yelled now getting frustrated.

Lindsey frowned. "So you know?" "As you said, were twins." I said her own words back to her. "I knew mom would tell you." Lindsey said getting frustrated. "Well duh." I rolled my eyes.

"But this is better than what would have happened!" Lindsey started arguing back. "Sure it's one of the worst outcomes, but I did it for you! Would you rather Hannah tell people that?! That your-"

"I know!" I yelled back. "I don't like how I am either! But now your gonna leave me alone?! Alone with Hannah?! Alone with mom and dad?! Alone with myself?" Tears started forming in my eyes as reality hit harder.

"Whenever mom wants something done, it will be done. She really wanted you to go to a stupid boarding school. So it's going to happen." I said sniffling and wiping my eyes.

"Robin-" "What?" I snapped back. Lindsey stayed silent. I sighed now feeling bad. "I'm sorry." Lindsey and I said at the same time. We cracked a small smile at each other. "I know you were doing it for me, how you did it wasn't good, and what's happening after is even worse." I said.

"I'm also sorry." Lindsey said sadly. "I risked everything and lost it all. I never think about the consequences, and now I'm paying for it."

I pulled Lindsey into a hug.

"I don't fully forgive you for what you did, but maybe I can start to, if you apologize to Karter." "I don't think I'm allowed near them, but I do have an idea."

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