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An amusement park, that was Eret's big surprise for me today. And it was a big surprise. They wouldn't tell me where we were going until I saw the sign when we entered the parking lot. I haven't been to one in so long.

It ended on a (mostly) good note with Lindsey. It felt like I had no problems today. I didn't have to worry about going home later since we wouldn't be going back till later tonight. Besides that, it felt like I had no worries anymore.

I didn't think about going home later, or how today was my last day with Eret for who knows how long. I didn't think about any of that. Instead, I enjoyed the moment I was in. I didn't wish for it to end. I didn't want this moment to end.

Me and Eret went on a few roller coasters and rides, and we also played some games. It was probably a good idea to get food after the rides since we did a back-to-back roller coaster. That made my stomach upset for a bit. But it was a fun ride.

Me and Eret played a balloon-popping game, and of course, I won. Eret was lucky to have even popped two balloons. I won a cheap teddy bear for Eret from that game. "It's to pay you back for the skirt." I told Eret. "But you already bought me a bookmark yesterday." "Shush and take it." I smiled. "It's also a reminder of how bad I beat you." Eret sighed and took the prize I won for them. The bear was small enough to hold with one hand. It was light brown with a darker brown bow, ears, and paws.

When Eret said we should leave the amusement park soon that ruined my mood a bit. This day couldn't last forever, I knew that. But I could go on one more ride. I dragged Eret to one more roller coaster we haven't been on yet, but it was near the entrance. Eret refused to leave the bear without things, so instead, they brought it with them on the ride. They held onto it for dear life, even tho it wasn't as extra as some roller coasters we went on earlier. After the last roles coaster, we ate lunch and then left the amusement park.

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It didn't take me long to pack up since I kept most of everything in my bag. Eret packed a few snacks. We used the bathroom and then were on the road back to my house. After a few minutes of driving and talking, I finally asked what I'd been wanting to do. "Can we call Lindsey now?" I asked. "Sure." Eret smiled.

This morning when I told Eret about talking to Lindsey last night, I gave them a rundown on how she was doing. They said we could try and call Lindsey on the way back to my house.

I connected my phone to the car and called Lindsey. She had no idea who I was with right now. This was going to be fun.

Lindsey didn't pick up and the call went to voice mail. I frowned and tried calling again. Lindsey picked up after the second ring. "Robbin!" "Lindsey!" I called back to my twin. "Eret!" Eret said.

I hear a good thump on the other end. "Lindsey?" Me and Eret asked at the same time. "What?!" Lindsey yelled surprised. Me and Eret laughed. "Is this a joined call? Are you really together? Eret! It's been so long!"

"No Eret isn't on their phone now. Yeah, we're really together, surprise!" I answered Lindsey's questions. "It has been forever, we should have all called sooner." Eret said, smiling at the road while driving.

"Agreed." Me and Lindsey said. "What are you guys up to?" Lindsey asked first. "I'm driving Robbin home." Eret said. "From what?" Lindsey asked. "From an amusement park." Eret said. "From your place." I said to Eret. "Jealous." Lindsey said dragging the 's'. She probably was.

"Next time your home we can all hang out together." Eret said evidently. "Yeah!" I said getting excited. "Does mom know?" Lindsey asked on a more serious note. "She was on another trip this weekend." I said quieter than my excited voice earlier. "What about dad?" Lindsey asked. "We got frozen yogurt Friday." I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's nice." I could imagine Lindsey nodding her head. "Still be careful." She said sounding a bit worried. "I will." "You can always call me." "I know, but it's been a while." "I hope it's been long enough." "Me too." We were talking like Eret wasn't there.

"Try not to worry so much." Eret said placing a hand on my shoulder, then back on the steering wheel. I looked at Eret and they glanced at me. "Your mom can't really stop you from hanging out with family members. And it's been a while anyway, who knows maybe she's changed." Eret was trying to calm my worries. But I knew mom didn't change much. "Maybe." I said hoping they were right.

"Did Robbin tell you what I did?" Lindsey asked sounding happy, trying to lift the mood. "A bit, what have you been up to?" Eret asked. And since then, the conversation flew by on a good note.

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"Want me to walk you in?" Eret asked as we pulled up into the driveway of my house. "No thanks." I said unbuckling my seatbelt, Eret did the same.

Eret leaned over and pulled me into a hug. "I promise we will hang out another time." I hugged Eret back. "Can't wait." We broke the hug.

I stared at the house I lived in. The lights were on for the dining room and living room, and no lights upstairs were on. "Text us when you get in." Lindsey said from my phone. "Sure, bye." "Ok bye!" Lindsey said, she continues to say 'bye' until I ended the call.

"Thanks." I said looking at Eret. "No problem. Now go have fun and read your book, don't want to keep you from eating dinner." "Bye!" I said exiting the car. I grabbed my bag from the back seat and stepped away from the car. 'Bye' Eret mouthed back and waved. I waived back.

Eret's car didn't move. Either they wanted to make sure u got in home ok, or we're pulling up the map for the way back to their place.

When I went inside my house, I tried to be quiet and sneak back in. When I got to the open room with the dining room and living room, I was caught. "Come eat dinner with us." I heard mom say annoyed but trying to sound happy. I kept my eyes forward looking at the stairs. "I already ate." I lied and then contained walking to the stairs. "We eat as a family." Mom said a bit louder. I acted like I didn't heat her, since I was already walking up the stairs. "You heard me!" Mom yelled. "What?!" I called back downstairs. I then closed the door to my room and locked it. I quickly send Eret and Lindsey a text in our group chat letting them know I got home ok.

I then sat at my desk and pulled out some homework. I hadn't started on any for the weekend yet. I plunged my earbuds in and played some music. When I heard some knocking on the door to my room I turned up the music.

I wish I could go to school sooner. I can't wait to go back to school tomorrow and escape this.
The next day when I went to school, I regretted making that wish. To be fair there was no way of knowing what would happen, or who I would see.

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You'll have to wait till next week to see what happens.

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