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"She is delightfully chaotic; a beautiful mess. Loving her is a splendid adventure."-Steve Maraboli

"You absolute moron! Look what you've done!" Sprite yelled, running to Druig and punching him in the stomach.
"She was already scared of meeting you, you didn't have to be such an ass about it!"

"That's a very big word for such a small girl," Druig sneered, clutching his stomach. 

"Nevermind. I'm going to find her. You better stay here, and murder yourself." She muttered.

"No. Let me go. You don't know the way around. And I'm sure I know where she is." Druig said, running out of the door. 

I was sitting on top of a big tree, in the middle of the forest. I was stunned at Druig's behaviour. Why was he acting so strange, so high and mighty?

I watched the sunset, marvelling at its beauty, and took a few pictures so I could paint it after I went back to Paris. 

If I survived.
I hope not. 

I was tired of living in-between.

I climbed down the tree and saw a cloaked figure running toward me. I immediately drew out my daggers and stood guard.

"Avalon." Druig breathed, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I was so worried! You were gone for half an hour, and Sprite punched me, and a bird took my last snacks, and oh god I was so worried but you're okay!" He rambled, his palm cupping my cheek. 

"No, Druig," I said, pushing him away.

"You disgust me. You've taken over around two hundred people's minds, forcing them to do whatever you wanted them to do. So don't tell me you were worried about me. Because I'm sure that if given half an opportunity you'd control me too, and that scares the shit out of me.
I can't even keep eye contact with you because I'm too terrified!" I yelled, pushing him to the side. 

"We haven't met for the past ten thousand years, and you don't even visit! I thought we were close friends! And now Ajak's dead, and you seem to not care, but I know you do, but, guess what, we haven't met in thousands of  years, so who cares, am I right? What do I even know about you anymore?"

We walked next to each other in silence.

It was dark, the village illuminated by fire. I've never seen something so mystical.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just really angry." I apologised to Druig. I felt really bad for not speaking to him for that long. 
And the first thing I did was yell at him.

He ignored me and walked on.
His face was clouded with confusion, but he kept walking. 

I've lost him.

"Oh, Ava, thank god you're safe!" Sprite came and hugged me tightly.

"That's all good and well, but where's the rest?" I asked.

Just then, a Deviant swooped in, picking up Ikaris. 

"Clear the camp!" We heard Sersi yell.
"It's an ambush!" Kingo said.

I went to a group of huddling children and opened a portal behind them, that lead to a huge cave, which I saw when I was running from camp. 
"Come on, go inside," I muttered. 
"Thank you, witch lady." A five-year-old said.

Well, that was charming.

A chorus of thank-yous erupted, which I shushed.
"Be quiet, or the evil creatures will come after you," I whispered.

They clambered in, squealing and crying, and I sealed the portal up.

"Avalon, we need a portal," Sersi screamed.

"Coming right up," I said, opening it up. Many people were scared to go inside, but thanks to Sprite, everyone went right in.

"Where the hell are Thena and Gil?" Sprite asked.
"No idea. Come on, we have people to save." 

"Druig, stop!" I shrieked. He was controlling the minds of the villagers, making them fight.
"Now is not the time, Avalon." He muttered.

"Please, Druig. I know you hate me, but they're dying. You're better than this." I muttered.
"Okay." He whispered, his forehead touching mine for a split second.
A jolt of electricity passed through me.

"Okay? I'm making them a portal as we speak." I said, softly.

"Get in! Everyone get in!" Druig yelled, urging them inside.

Ikaris suddenly appeared out of nowhere, the Deviant trying to bite him.
"Sersi, I have nothing to do. Everyone's evacuated." I yelled. 

Sersi and the Deviant fell into a vat of water, struggling to float.

She was underwater for a while, but burst up, the Deviant freezing in the water, turning into a tree-like structure, and she was standing there, a small smile painted on her face, panting. 
"Sersi, are you okay?" Ikaris went and hugged her tightly. 

"Okay, uh, Sersi, you have some pretty bad wounds. You too, Kingo and Sprite." I muttered.
"Even you, Druig," I said, softer.

"I know a person who owns an empty warehouse in Mexico. It's huge and deserted. He's been offering it to me for a while. I wanted to make it my art gallery, but I think your village can live there instead." I told him.

He nodded, feverishly. 
"Thank you."

"I hear Thena crying," Sprite muttered, running.


Thena was hunched over Gilgamesh's body, sobbing.

One more dead.  I thought. 
Maybe you are next.

Meraki ~𝙳𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚐Where stories live. Discover now