Jenny drunk

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With Jenny*

Jenny is on the other side of the bar accidentally got herself drunk and giggles before a male toon comes up to her

Male toon: Hey there cutie

He stares at her new violet and black dress.

Jenny stops and looks.

Jenny- Well hello there mr. Tall and mighty~

Male toon: You want to hang out?

Jenny- Hey , I may be drunk but I kmow your games Mr. Good looks !~

Jenny tries to stand up but she stumbles

Cythia's jewelpet Amazon looks for her*

Jenny- Whoa !

Jenny almost falls but the same male toon picks her up

Male Toon: I gotcha baby

Jenny looks amd blushes red from being drunk

Jenny- Omay , put me down now please.

Amazon sees him holding her, he growls and bites him*

Male Toon- Ow !

Jenny- Amazon ?

The male toon kicks him off

Jenny- Hey , dont dk that ! That's my jewelpet !~

Amazon growls: That's it, Jewel power flash flash! *as he turns into a big crocodile*

Spike and the others ran over and madeit

Amazon beats up the toon male*

Jenny moans as she stays balanced againat the bar stand holding her head as Spike sees the whole thing if the male toiching Jenny while she was drunk amd Amazon attacking him

Spike: Jenny, are you okay? *holds her*

Jenny looks at him still drunk

Jenny- Spikey ! You came !~

Spike: You drank too much?

Jenny- No no no~ Im too happy Spike~ ( Gasps. Sees something ) I found the secret lair !~

She points as the lounge couch

Spike: That's a lounge couch babe

Jenny- Right and Im William Afton !~

Jenny bursts into cute drunk giggkes

Maisie: Okay Amazon that's enough

Amazon stops and glares at the toon male*

Amazon: Never touch Jenny again, got it?

Male Toon- Okay ! Okay !

He ran off before they see Spike with the heavily frink Jenny laughing on the floor

Spike: Okay we need to take her home

Amazon is back to normal size and he jumps in Maisie's arms*

Jenny- Oh..... Fine.....

Jenny the passes out in his arms as he smiles before he takes his mate home with their friends.

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