Nega Death and Vexa and the prisoners

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Paopao's grandma soul, Sash's uncle, Sabrina's parents souls, Satan, Alf's love, Uncle Doggie, Brea, and Beige's parents souls are still trapped*

Vexa- You guys are weak and worthless !

Satan growls: Sis! Now you listen here, you let me out of her right now do you hear me?!

Vexa- Why should I ?

Ifrit: Yeah, you deserve to be locked up in there

Satan: Oh fuck you bro!

Vexa- Im sorry what did you say ?

Satan: I said fuck you bro!

Vexa- Oh Im sorry. That must've been an ACCIDENT !!

Satan froze as he remembers calling Vexa an accident

Satan: Hey!

Vexa- Yeah you caled me an accident right after Jesus Christ died outside of Jerusalem before BC turned to AD !

Satan: Did not!

Vexa- Yeah huh ! Ifrit video !!

Ifrit plays the video*

Vexa is arguing witg Satan about not being a perfect prince of hell

Satan blushes*

Past Satan- I may not be a perfect prince of Hell but at least IM NOT AN ACCIDENT !!!

Past Vexa: Yes you are!

Past Vexa is shocked and hurt.

Ifrit turns the vid off as Vexa looks ay him

Satan gasped*

Vexa- See ?

Satan is sad*

Iblis and the three came in with the three prisoners*

Void Jr: Hey bro, we got some more prisoners for you

Ifrit- Out them in.

Vexa- Now your wives are doing hordibly without you bro !

Satan: They're not! Are they?

Vexa- They're hearbroken and depressed.

Satan sighs*

Void: Yeah, and those heroes make me mad, I'm sending another jewelpet to deal with them!

Ifrit holds Slate the wolf: Why not use him?

Vexa- Werewolf ! ( Dorky tone ) Dark Vadeeeer

Void: Good idea *looks at the screen* But who should Werewolf scratch?

He sees Savy talking to her siblings and Striker is with them*

Void: Aha... *grabs Slate* Come with me Slate

Slate follows him.

With Nega Death...

Nega Death watches the screen, he sees Kelly dancing beautifully*

Nega death sighs lovingly.

But then someone shuts it off

Nega Death: Hey!

He looks and sees Vexa holding the remote

Nega Death: Really? Really?!

Vexs- No more horniness for today ! ( Whispers) It'll nake your meat sore.

Nega Death: That's it! I'm fed up with you!

Vexa- Uh oh !

Nega Death: I'm going to Earth, and I won't come back until I find a way to mate with Kelly!

Vexa looks at him.

Vexa- Okay.

Vexa turns to leave as Nega Death is shocked

Nega Death: Oh, I guess she doesn't care about me, how mean

Vexa-( Turnd around angry ) EEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH ?!

Nega Death: It's true, you hate me

Vexa- No I dont !

Nega Death looks at her: Huh?

Vexa- I don't hate you baby bro! Remember our fight when I ran away to Dark Cloud ? I was always jealous of you

Nega Death: You are?

Vexa- Always had. You are chosen as future heir instead of me or Void Jr or anyone else ! And you aleays act like ur the best. And Im always afraid Kelly will take my brother away from me...

Nega Death: Awwww, she won't take me away, I'll always come back here

Vexa- Really ?

Nega Death hugs her: Does this prove it?

Vexa- First baby bro !

Nega death smiles and kissed her head*

Vexa giggles and hugs him back

Nega Death: Now if you excuse me, I need to check out something on Earth *as he leaves*

Vexa waves*

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