Sabrina's twins are born

15 0 0

 With Void and Vexa....

Vexa holds her baby Astro as Dark Cloud smiles

Dark Cloud: Look at our son play.

Vexa smiles as she sees him.playing with Floris

Vexa- I know. Its so precious

Smaug plays with them too*

Vexa smiles before Void came over

Void: Hey sweetie.

Vexa- Hi daddy. Whats poppin' ?

Void: Nothing much

Vexa- Daddy ? I know Nega Death is the heir and all but why do are you making his wedding so special them the rest of us.?

Void: No spoilers of the wedding honey.

Vexa- I know i know. But dont you think its the Complete opposite ? Void Jr and Aku I would understand , Definite Null and Enerjak maybe but Nega Death?

Void: He knows how to handle a scythe, he is legit with his fighting.

Vexa- Im legit ! My older bros and sis are legit !

Void: How legit?

Vexa- Very ! Dont doubt ! Weve been around longer than him !

Void pinches her cheek: Your such a special girl.

Vexa giggles as shes all buttered up.

Vexa- Daddy ? Remember when I said my first bad word ?

Void: Yes?


4 years old , Vexa babbles and giggles as she plays and walks around

Void looks: Hey sweetie.

Vexa- Hi... Papa-Daddy !

Void picks her up: How's my little girl?

Vexa-( Thumb up ) Super !

Void chuckles: Good

He takes her to the living room where the other siblings are

Void: Hey kids.

Null- Hi Dad

Null Definite amd Enerjak watch a video.

Vexa looks cooing

Vexa- Q.... Qu... .

they look at the baby

Void- Sweetie..

Vexa- Qu.... Qu...QUEER !!!

They all gasped

Void dropped his jaw*

The siblings are shocked

Vexa- Queer !

Void facepalms: Her first bad word....

Vexa- Daddy looks queer ! Daddy looks queer !

Void: Oh boy. 

End of flashback*

Vexa giggles

Void: Oh boy.

Vexa- Remember Daddy ? Ot was so funny !

Void: Yes I remember.

Astro crawls to them with Dark Cloud

Void smiles: Awwww

Astro coos

Floris and Smaug came to them*

Astro incidentally flips the birdie while pointing Dark Cloud and Vexa gasped

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