Nega Death fights Ramboo

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Back with Kelly, she is a panting mess*

Nega Death pants as he collapzed.

Nega Death- That.... Was hot......

Kelly has tears*

Then a huge blast blasted thw door making Nega Death fall off the bed

Nega Death: The fuck was that?!

He looks amd sees the furious Ranboo

Kelly: Ranboo!

Nega Death: How did you find us?!

Ranboo- You forgot I had super senses because of this. And I know what you did ! You're a low down dirty bastard poor hormonal excuse of a son !

Nega Death took out his scythe: I'm gonna tear you to pieces!

Ranboo: try me !

Nega Death attacks him*

Ranboo dodged left and right before he back flipped over him amd kicked him in the face

Kelly gets dressed and watched*

Nega Death strikes but Ranboo shockingly holds the edge of his scythe with two fingers

Nega Death: Huh?!

Ranboo-( Glares ) You messed with the wrong being.

Ramboo snatched the scythe out of his hands , punched and kicked him in the stomsch

Nega Death: Ah!

He then back hands his face , tail whips his face before tripping him over

Kelly: Oh!

Ranboo then punched him straight in the face knocking him out

Nega Death is dizzy*

Ranboo pants heavily and looks to Kelly and walked over to her.

Ranboo- Kelly , are you okay ?

Kelly has tears*

Ranboo went on the bed

Ranboo- Kelly ?

Kelly cries and hugs him

Kelly: I was so scared...

Ranboo blushes and pets her.

Ramboo- Shh... Sh... Its okay.... You're safe now... Im here....

Ranboo carries her bridal style.

Ranboo- Ill try and get the DNA out of you. At least most of it.

Kelly nodded and hugged him tight before they left.

Back with Void amd the others......

Enerjak arrives with Enaya in a blanket

Enerjak: Hey dad, Sabrina let me keep Enaya.

Void: You didn't talk to the weaselings?

Vexa- No he didnt. They look at the pink bundle and hear whimpering

Null: What is that?

Enerjak- Meet your granddaughter amd niece.

Enerjak uncovers his haby girl adn shows them

All: Awwwww.

The babies looked at her*

Enaya sees them and shyly and sleepily hides in the blanket

Void: Come out, we won't bite.

The newborn echidna pup shyly comes out from the blanket

Vero coos*

Enaya whimpers and lools

Solaris pets her: Cute little one.

Nega Death came in furious and have bruises*

Vexa- Let me guess.... Ranboo ?

Nega Death: Yes, but at least I came in my mate.

Vexa- Are you happy now Mr. Hormonal Oh Im so horny I cant control my baby dick anymore ?

Nega Death growls* Void groans: Figures... I hate that stupid cat...

Vexa- He aint a cat Dad. And plus..... Nega Death deserved what he got

Nega Death growls

Nega Death- Imma get you !!

Nega Death starts chasing her as she screams.

With Slappy x Jennica.....

Slappy drives with Jennica*

Jennica blushes

Slappy went to a drive thru: Let's get some food before we get to the high school*

Jennica- Right.

In the dance....

Isabela its by herself before Sour Sweet and Lemon Zest came over to.her

Isabela: Hi girls.

Sour Sweet- Waiting for your date as well ?

The girls sat down

Isabela: I'm worried about Goggles, I can't call him somehow.

Sour Sweet- Dont worry. Im sure they'll be here soon....

Back with Nega Death...

Vexa screams as she runs down the hallway

Void: Kids! Enough!

Vexa hides as Nega Death pulls her out

Void groans: Enough son! You got what you want!

Vexa looks

Nega Death sighs and let's her go*

Nega Death: I'm sorry sis....

Vexa- Im sorry too little bro

Nega Death hugs her*

Vexa- Wanna see your new niece ?

Nega Death: Sure.

Enerjak comes in holding Enaya who's sleeping

Nega Death: Awwww.

Enaya sees him and whimpers hiding

Nega Death: Hey there kiddo

Enaya looks at him

Nega Death pets her head*

Enaya coos. 

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