Changing the bullies

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The next day.... Sour Sweet amd her friends talk until Maisie and the others came

Maisie: Hi girls!

Sour Sweet- Hey Mais'

Ice cube: How are you girls?

Sugarcoat-( Quickly ) Okay. But Indigo isnt. Indigo- I really hate that crocodile

Maisie: Croco again?

Indigo- Yep

Spike- Messed with ya again ?

Indigo- yeah. Pin pointing me. Bitch who does he think he is? He doesnt know me I'll whip a reptile

Tito: He's bad unlike Krunch

Indigo- ( Takes off goggles from head ) Which is why if he comes by again Im gonna whoop his ass so bad he's gonna wish he was a gator skinned pair of boots already

Maisie: Okay

Fancy- I wonder if Hannah will be here

Then Croco comes by

His friends are with him*

Croco: Well if it isn't Maisie and the pathetic stooges.

Sour Sweet- Ey leave them alone. Pick on someone else

Julian: Oh really cutie?

Sour Sweet turns red and glares as she crosses yer arms turning away.

Sunny Flare- Ya mind moving your tails. ?

Croco: Well we thought we can pick on Maisie today.

Paddy is upset that Stacy cheated on him*

Indigo- Whats wrong with him ?

Croco: Paddy found out his girl cheated on him.

Sugarcoat- Karma.

Indigo- Wow. I wonder why.

Jimmy: Yeah, wonder why?

Indigo- You cheated on her first didnt you ?

Paddy: I stopped flirting on the other girls, I want her back in my life

Sugarcoat- And why should we help ? All you done is ridicule Maisie and her friends and show off your karen girlfriend to the school making people treat her like a queen

The bullies looked at each other*

They sighed.

Sugarcoat- Looks likd I made a point there.

Skid: She's better than us

Sour Sweet- ( Sarcastically ) Oh. Dont know why. I think words kind and friendly comes to mind

The bullies looked at each other again*

The good kids are feeling awkward.

Sunny Flare- Is it me or do they know nothing about friendship their whole lives ?

Maisie: He made friends with those guys

Sugarcoat- Thats different. They're only friends with each other because.....( Realizes the truth ) They.... Had no friends before meeting each other

Skid: Huh?

Indigo- So you pick on them because you weren't happy with your own lives before you became jerks

Jimmy: Pretty much

Indigo- That explains it

Crush: Yeah

They look

Croco crossed his arms*

Wendy- You and your friends need help

Croco: How should we trust you guys?

Maisie- Because were better. 

Sour Sweet- but the real question is if we should trust YOU

They looked at each other*

Julian- Touche sweetheart

Maisie: Well?

Croco- Fine....

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