Jason rapping

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Back with the weaselings....

They're on the couch all bored

Arabella- Me too. 

Tops- Me most

Tigs sleeps*

Then the door is slams open

They jumped*

They look and see Kieth/Boyfriend 

Kieth- I need a challenger !!

Rocky: Kieth!?

Arabella- You know him ?!

The others see him

Rocky: Kinda, long story

Kieth- I challenge you all to a rap battle !!

Malikai: We're not in the mood Kieth

Kieth- See NO ONE'S ever in a mood for a rap battle ! ( Gets an idea ) Unless youre chickens !

Morty: Hey! We are not chickens! *drops popcorn and gasps* My popcorn! *picks them up with his mouth*

Then Girlfriend appears

Girlfriend- I dont think they ever done fnf before babe

Tina: Wow! I love her dress!

Girlfriend-( Giggles ) Thank you !

Kieth- It's easy ! Here Ill show you !

Kieth snaps his fingers and a microphone and big boombox appears as Girlfriend gets on top of it with her signature pose and smirk

Malikai: No thanks...

Weaselings- Oooh !

Kieth- 3 2 1 go !!

Kieth then starts beatboxing and dancing as Girlfriend smirks and bops her head to the rhythm

Tigs: Ooh!

Arabella- Wow !

Malikai and they notice there are dance arrows directing them like from the game

Axelle: Wow!

Kieth- Your turn !

Kieth threw the microphone to Malikai and as soon as he touched it he started bestboxing and moving like Kieth did as Girlfriend still bops to the beat

Tigs: Go bro!

Malikai is shocked as he is uncontrollaby beatboxing and dancing until it was over and stops making Girlfriend giggle as she got off

Kieth- Not bad !

Malikai: Thanks

Girlfriend- Dont know why youre so worried about rapping when ur actually good at it !

Kieth- Yeah ! We asked several times but NO ONE wanted to challenge us to. Rap battle...

Jason: I got bored of rapping

Kieth and Girlfriend both gasped highly offended since they're a new and more popular gaming characters

Jason: What?

Girlfriend jumped up and slaps him.

Kieth- How dare you ?! Our game jus tcame out this year !!

Girlfriend- Yeah and the new popular gamr ! Are you saying we aren't good enough to be in this series ?!

Jason: Look, I don't like rapping, I was a terrible rapper when I was a kid, I quit rapping

Kieth- Try now.. You were only a kid. This should be different

Kieth tossed him his microphone and he quickly and uncintrollably started beatboxing ansmd dancing from the arrows above just like them

Ludel: He's gonna fail

Kieth- Not this ome. Because see those arrows above ?

They look at the arrows in different colors

Tigs: Huh?

Kieth- Our game actually help people how to beatbox and rap thanks to these arrows above and look.

Kieth points at Jasonw who's surprisingly doing well

They are amazed*

As soon as Jason finished beatboxing , he quickly recovers from it and looks in shock

They cheered

Arabella- Wow !!!

Jason pants*

Tatyana- Omg babe !!

Jason looks at her*

Tatyana-( Hugs him ) You were amazing honey !!

Jason blushes: Thanks babe

Malikai smiles: I knew he could do it.

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