At the hallways

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Back in School....

The kids talk in the hallways*

Maisie: The school dance is in a couple of days

Marie: Its actually tomorrow night Maisie...

Samantha- Why so glum about it Mar'?

Marie- I dont believe in those social dances. Plus that's how my Dad became a scarecrow because a bitch named Sherry he liked made her boyfriend and his friends tie him up in the cornfield on the crucifix....

Tito: Damn

Marie- So yeah. I hate school dances... Too loud , crowded and conformist....

Fancy pants: Maybe I should ask the new girl to the dance

Spike- Good luck with that.

The Shadow Bolts came by

Ice cube: Hi girls!

Sour Sweet- Hey !

Dice: Hey, any of you ladies want to go to the dance with me and Shorty?

Lemon Zest miraculously heard that and blushes as she looks at Sour Sweet who is also blushing

Shorty winks at them*

Sour Sweet giggles

Dice: I'll take Lemon Zest out with me

Lemon Zest- Huh ?

She takes off her headphones

Dice: You want to go to the dance with me cutie?

Lemon blushes pink before she giggles

Lemon- Sure thing !

Troy: Wow!

Then Croco appears all angry

Maisie: Uh oh, I bet he's angry that I glued him to the wheelchair

Cartman- So what ? That cock sucker deserved it !

Croco: You!

Stan- Uh oh.

Croco: That was a dirty trick you did to me gluing me to the wheelchair!

Kyle- Hey ! You deserve what you gotten !

Croco: Oh really?

Kyle- Yeah !

Croco: Oh you'll see, one day I'll get you back for this

Indigo Zap glares and steps in

Indigo- Aw yeah ?! I like to see you try , ya future purse !

Croco: Huh? And who are you?

Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare face palmed.

Sunny- Oh God......

Indigo- Im Indigo Zap from one of the popular groups in this place called the Shadow Bolts !

Croco: Hmph, your not popular, Paddy's girl is popular

Indigo chuckled.

Indigo- Bitch , please ! I can take you and that Karen out with one sucker pinch ! The reason why she's even popular is because the girls and I heard that she has been sucking dick in the back of the school behind Paddy's back

Maisies friends are shocked of the truth. The Shadoe Bolts snickered

Croco: Grrrrr, very well but don't think your lucky next time *leaves*

Indigo snickers trying not to lose her temper

Indigo- Who does that bag of scales think he is messing with the Shadow Bolts ? I won 10 games , I can knock out him and that dick sucking ho !

Maisie: Wow, you stood up to him good!

Sugarcoat- That's what Indigo does. Since she's the roughest and toughest of us she doesnt take shit from anyone.

Samantha- But how did she know.

Sunny Flare smirks and take sout the tape

Sunny Flare- We stole this from the principal's office as evidence of Stacy's cheating

Shrimp: Ooh!

Sugarcoat- And thats not all.

Sugar Coat takes out photos of Paddy making out with several girls from the school behind Stacy's bsck

Melody: That pig

Sour Sweet- So the whole story was : A few people wr know who were affiliated with Croco and his gang told us and gave us proof that Paddy was the one cheating on Stacy first

Night Thug: Damn, imagine Paddy found out about this

Sunny Flafe- BUT NOT unless we blackmail him about his cheating and the other blackmails Stacy for her sexual payback

????: Best to not tell him, otherwise it might go to your graves...

They screamed but it was just Janitor Poopatine*

Maisie: Oh it's just Janitor Poopatine

Snips smiles: Poop

Indigo- Oh goddamnit !

Spike: Hey dude how is the trash picking doing Poopatine?

Poopatine- Alright. But you girls shouldn't. Yoi ever heard of the verse : Two wrongs dont make a wright ? And Revenge to your enemies is never the answer

Indigo- It seems like a PERFECT answer to me

Sugarcoat- Yep.

Sour Sweet- Me too

Maisie: He's right about that

Sour Sweet thinks about this.

Sour Sweet- Well.... Twilight always taught us a few tips about friendship

Indigo- But how will we know if they DESERVE forgiveness?

Maisie: Maybe we can find a way to make them our friends

Indigo-(Huffed) Fine... But if that doesnt work then Im resorting to this.

Maisie- Alright

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