Kenny meets new girl

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With the other kids...

They're in the hallway with the Four Boys

Phillip: So where is the new girl?

Cartmman- Calm down! Lets hope Kenny doesn't give thar girl anything horrible !

Cartman laughs

Kenny growls*

Then they see Wendy , Bebe , Lola , Nichole , and Annie are talking to each other.

Stan blushes: I want to ask Wendy to the dance

Kyle- Oh there she is !

They looked*

They see a young and pretty attractive girl with ling golden hair with lovely waves and side bangs on the right side. She has brown eyes , fair skin . Her outfit consists a pair of small gold hoop earrings , a blsck leather jacket with white fluff , a light pink shirt with a white skirt and matching white ankle boots

Kenny has hearts in his eyes*

Cartman- That chick's name is Robyn Goldman . Her family is richer than Token's !

Kenny muffles: I got dibs!

Spile- Bruh.

Cartman- You better not be a gold digger after you fuck her Ken ! ( Chuckles ) Even your broke ass can't fuck a classy girl like her !

Kenny muffles angrily*

Julian came to her: Hey sexy lady

???- Huh ?

Julian: Do you want to go to the dance with me?

???- I dont even know your name

Julian: I'm Julian the snake

Kenny came to them: *muffles* Hey you jackass!

Robyn and Julian looked

Kenny: *muffles* She doesn't want to go to the dance with you!

Robyn watches

Julian: Fine, but you haven't seen the last of me *slithers away*

Robyn looks to Kenny

Kenny muffles: You okay?

Robyn- Im fine. Thank you

Kenny muffles: Hey, do you want to go out with me?

Robyn- You didnt even tell me your name first

Kenny muffles: Oh sorry, I'm Kenny Mccormick

Robyn- Im Robyn Goldman

Kenny muffles: Hot name

Robyn blushes

Cartmann- To let you know he is te top man whore who loves being a pervert to the girls in school !

Robyn-( Shocked ) Oh !

Kenny muffles: You snitch!

Cartman- Well you are !!

Kenny muffles: I deal with you later!

Maisie facepalms: Oh boy

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