Chapter 15

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"Hey little Colt."

Ryker stayed back not knowing how to feel. On one hand he wanted to hug him. On the other he wanted to hate Wade.

"Man you look like shit," Tony said.

"I feel like shit. Can your old man get a hug?"

Ryker gave Wade a hug. Wade patted his head.

"I've missed you little colt."

"Then why'd you leave?"

"I needed something diferent."

"Everytime you use that excuse Pops. It feels like knifes being stabbed in my heart."

"What more could you have wanted Wade?" Tony asked.

"Everyone under the age of 21 in the car. Except Colt."

Liam, Halsey, Blue, August, and Morgan all got into the car.

"I don't know okay."

"That's a problem," Peter said.

"Sometimes different isn't always better. But if we try something different we can always return back to normal."

"Clara he left you and your damn bastard of a child. How could you say that we can return back to normal."

"Call my son a bastard again and see where it gets you," Wade said spiting a little.

"Oh suddenly you're trying to win parent of the year award? Where were you when your fucking child was cutting himself? Hunh? Where were you when it was Bucky or Bruce trying to comfort him because his daddy issues have him fucked in the head."

"Colt get in the car please."

Ryker got into the car at his mothers wishes.

"Hunh? You were off in the fucking bar getting drunk off your ass. You were off probably fucking cheating on my wife despite you having your fucking ring on you damn finger."

"Tony that is enough!"

"What will you do about Clara? Nothing? Just like you're letting him in just to walk all over you again. Face it Clara. Wade left once. And he'll probably leave again."

"Say that again."

"Wade left once. He'll leave again!"

"You know fuck you. When I first learned I was mated to the Tony Stark, I was so scared. You know why?"

"No why?"

"Because he makes an ass out of himself. Whether it's a sex scandel or a weapon shot out. He makes an ass out of himself. And guess what Tony you're proving my fears right."

"You don't talk to me like that Clara."

"Peter take the kids to a local park."

Peter got in a dove away.

"I'll talk to you how I want to talk to you! God why do you have to be such a fucking dick Tony. You push away everyone who loves you. You sit up in your fucking lab all day. And it hurts your children. All Halsey and Blue Jay want is their father. Much like Colt and yet some how you fuck that up. Wade may have left but at least he wasn't distant."

Tony with that slapped Clara. Clara fell down from his strength.

"Clara are you okay?" Wade asked.

"Yes just fucking peachy."

By now a little crowd had gathered around the group. Some taking pictures. Other's calling the police.

"Come on Clara," Wade said.

You're My Baby (Second book to Their Little Slut) (Avengers Soulmate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now