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Hi guys! I promise you I will try to be more positive these days. But before starting this chapter, I need to thank someone.

Blerbeee Thank you for encouraging me when I am down. Although I don't know you, it's the best gift for a stranger (no offence) to give me. Thank you again. 

Again, for all readers. I'm twelve this year. I'm still young. I might have some grammar mistakes. Another thing, I'm Asian-please don't hate me because of this-So English is not my first language. Please understand. Thank you.

~Tiana for life, Biana Song (KotLCKeeper174)

♥️ *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*♥️ 

Tam's POV:

 After the "incident", I begged Tiergan to take us to a new city. And he finally agreed. And today, I'll be starting a new high school, Foxfire. 

 "Tammy! Are you ready?" I heard Linh calling downstairs. 

 I went downstairs slowly, trying to spare more time, to think about life. 

 "Tammy! We don't have time for your snail moving!" Linh said, and she grabbed my arms and pulled me down the stairs.

 I sighed, "Linh! Can you quit with the nickname?"

 Linh rolled her eyes, but she can't hide her giggle, "Aw, c'mon, Tammy!"

 "Fine, whatever you say." I sighed again.

 Yes, I would act all innocent in front of my twin sister, Linh, and my adoptive father, Tiergan.

 Yes, I'm actually not this innocent.

 But no, I'm not going to tell anyone what I am doing these days. No one should know, except for the people involve.

 "Hey, Tammy! Quit the thinking! Aren't you excited about the first day of school?" Linh said, waving her hand in front of my face. I snorted, "No. I'm definitely not excited about whatever is going to come up next today." 

 Linh sighed, "Will you ever, ever, be the old you again."

 We walked to the school in silence then.

 I feel sorry for Linh. Having such a terrible brother.

 Right now, you are probably wondering why we are adopted, right?

 Okay, the story goes like this. The place where we were born has some kind of belief, that they hate having twins or triplets. And, as you see, we are twins. Which things didn't work out so well for me and Linh. Our father kept telling people that I am older than Linh, and that we are brother and sister. But of course, we refuse to play along. Since they all hate us so much, we were banished. That's when Tiergan adopted us. Tiergan is famous for his kindness. He also adopted another boy, Wylie, when his father got injured and her mother died.

 And this is the life we have. Things got better for Linh, and I'm happy for her. But things got worse for me... After the "incident".

 So anyway. That's my story. Nothing special, nothing rare. I'm just a normal teenager with a normal life. 

 "Tammy! Look! We're here!" Linh squealed. I sighed, Linh can be so positive sometimes.

 "Linh! You promised me you won't call the nickname in public!" I said, annoyed.

 Linh said not-very-sorryly, "Oops, sorry!" 

 I must admit, Foxfire High School looks extremely huge and beautiful on the outside. I heard Tiergan saying that Foxfire is the best high school around.

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