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Hey guys! I'm going to try and include some Tiana moments in this chapter. So hope you enjoy it! Anyway, sad news, I get to do daily updates because we have online lessons. But next week we are going back to school, which means I can only update once or twice a week. Sorry. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I decided it would be multiple POVs this chapter. Btw, this chapter is a week after the first day of school, it's Saturday. At the end of this chapter, I might be very kind and... give you spoilers!!! You're welcome!

~Tiana for life, Biana Song (KotLCKeeper174)

 ♥️ *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*♥️ 

Biana's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night, screaming. I thought about my nightmare. Shadow, vanishing, Alvar... That's right, Alvar.

I heard a knock on my door. 

"Biana? You okay in there?" Fitz's voice shouted on the other side of the door. I opened the door, "Fitz? Where's mom and dad?" Fitz laughed, "Bia? Are you still asleep? Mother and father left years ago, remember?" I froze, "What about Alvar?" He shrugged, "Alvar? He joined the Neverseen, that's why mother and father left. Then we lived on our own. Why? Did you bump your head and forget everything?" I shook my head, "Nothing, Fitz. Just go back to sleep." I closed the door and went back to my bed.

For a moment, I remembered everything.

How Alvar lied to us my whole life. How mom and dad had to leave because of Alvar. How... How... I shook my head, wanting to shake all the thoughts and memories out. After staying in my bed for a long time but couldn't get back to sleep, I jumped out of my bed, opened all the lights knocked on Fitz's door.

"Fitzroy! Come out! Now!" I yelled, I'm pretty sure if he still doesn't open his door in one minute, I'm going to knock his door down. Fitz shouted, "I'm coming! Stop knocking!" 

Fitz slammed the door open, "What is it? You first screamed in the middle of the night, then you forgot all about our family, now you are knocking on my door like crazy and it's only 3 a.m.!"

"No time to chat with you. Now, get cleaned up. We have to get going." I replied. Fitz asked confused, "Go where?" I ignored his question, "NOW!" And I slammed the door close.

I made sure that I dress all properly and I carefully chose my outfit. I decide to wear a teal dress and teal high heels that match my eyes, and a necklace.

 I decide to wear a teal dress and teal high heels that match my eyes, and a necklace

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(For some reason I am not able to put the rest of the picture here so...)

I don't feel like making my hair so fancy, so I just brushed it to make it look smooth. 

After everything is ready, I knocked on Fitz's door again, and he came out, looking all fancy. "What? Trying to make someone like you?" I teased. Surprisedly, he blushed and said, "Y, yeah." I giggled, "Oooh! Who is it that makes my brother like this? Wait! Don't say, lemme guess. Sophie? Marella? Linh?" When I said the last word, Fitz blushed again. "Fitz! You like Linh!!! Fitz and Linh, sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!! You two are going to be so cute together! When are you guys getting married?! When are you guys having your first baby?!" I shouted. Fitz shoved me away, "Ugh, stop this Bi! I don't even know if she likes me back or not!" I rolled my eyes at Fitz's obliviousness. OF COURSE, Linh likes him back, hasn't he seen the way Linh would stare at him every time? "So, where do you want to bring me?" Fitz asked. "Oh! Right? Y'know what? I've changed my plan, let's go see Linh and her twin brother."

♥️ *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*♥️ 

Tam's POV:

I woke up, it was 5 a.m. I sighed, why can't I have a dreamless night for once

"Tammy! Wake up! There are guests here today!" Linh called, "It's Fitz and Biana Vacker!" I stood up, what did she just say? Biana Vacker? The Biana Vacker? "Tell them to go away!" I shouted to Linh. "I can't tell them to go away, Tammy! It's not polite!" Linh rolled her eyes at me. "Ugh. Whatever." I whined. 

I cleaned myself and opened my wardrobe. I wanted to pick something nice to let Biana fall for me. Sadly, I only have black clothes in my wardrobe, so I just chose whatever I can find and went downstairs.

"Where's Tiergan?" I asked.  "Already out," Linh replied.

I've been spending time with Linh's friend ever since the Neverseen gave me the assignment. But nothing I do seems to be able to let Biana like me. 

The moment I saw Biana, I froze. I don't know what's into me either, it just feels like, I can't do this. No one deserves the heartbreaking feeling. No one.

Then, the other part of me slips in. Then why do I have to go through all that? The heartbreaking feeling? If no one deserves it, then why do I? Besides, even if I don't want to do it, it's too late, I can't regret what I already did.

"Tammy? Tam?" Linh asked. "Yeah?" I said. "Are you even listening to what I said?" Biana asked. I blushed, "S, sorry." Biana flashed me a smile and said, "No, it's all right. I was just saying if you guys want to come to my house for a sleepover tonight and tomorrow. We could go to school together on Monday. On Monday afternoon you can come over to my house again just to pack your things." 'That would be great!" Linh said excitedly, "Fitz? I hope... you don't mind?" She blushed. Fitz blushed as well, "O, Of course, no!" Biana giggled, and Fitz turned around to glare at her. Biana sticks her tongue out to Fitz.

"Ah, look at the time, we gotta go!" Fitz looked at his wrist pretending to be looking at his watch (There is actually nothing there) as he dragged Biana away.

"See you this afternoon!" Linh called as they disappeared from our sight.

Things are far from over.

♥️ *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*♥️ 

Sorry! I didn't manage to put any Tiana moment in it. I promise you I will next chapter. Anyway. Since I didn't put any Tiana moment, I will give you a spoiler. Something bad will happen to Linh... In the future of my story. I'm kinda running out of ideas bro. Anway, thank you fro watching and, Luv u all!

~Tiana for life, Biana Song (KotLCKeeper174)

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