Not an Update

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Hey guys. I'm so sorry I disappeared for a while. And I probably will, for the next few weeks. As you know (or do you guys? I forgot), I will be moving to California, like, next week, and I am super busy these weeks, school is back offline and packing up things and I just moved to my hometown yesterday. I MIGHT be able to update these days when I am in my hometown. It depends. Since the wifi in my hometown is NOT GOOD. I appreciate your patience and I love it when readers comment on my stories, it makes me feel happy (for some strange reason I don't know). Sorry again for not updating in like, nearly two weeks. I'm genuinely sorry. I will not update much in the next few weeks and I hope you can all tolerate it. Sorry. Um...sorry again. I will try my best to update as often as I can. Thank you for reading my stories, and, luv u all. Sorry again.

~Tiana for life, Biana Song (KotLCKeeper174)

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