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Hi! I got bored so I decided to update. Right, I promised you to have some Tiana moments last chapter, but I didn't get to, so I kind of made it a sleepover, surely there will be Tiana moments in sleepovers, now let's begin!

~Tiana for life, Biana Song(KotLCKeeper174)

♥️ *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*♥️ 

Tam's POV: 

It was the afternoon, as Linh and I packed all of our things to Everglen. Biana hosted a sleepover, and I decided it was a great chance to ask Biana out.

Tiergan was home from his work, and he agreed to let us go. Although Linh went somewhere I don't know, and after an hour, when she came back, her face was full of excitement. 

We went in the car as Tiergan drove us to Everglen. And I got a text.

Notification: Queen<Bi sent you a message.

The name Queen<Bi must be Biana, so I opened it up.

Are you two coming to our sleepover?|
Everyone else has arrived|

|We are coming
|How did you get my number?

Someone gave it to me...|
Her name is|



Good. See you there then|

|Wait! Why don't you just text Linh?

Oh well|
What do you think?|

Message read_2:37

Queen<Bi is now offline

"Sh-" I opened my mouth, but Linh interrupted, "Tammy! No swearing." "Right, sorry." Linh peeked at my phone screen and asked, "Who are you texting?" I covered my screen using my hand, "Uh, no one." "TAMMY! TeLL mE whO yOu aRe TeXTiNG! NOW!" Linh yelled as she grabbed my phone off me.

"You still don't know the password." I teased. Linh shrugged, "Too easily guessed." She typed in my phone password: password. 

"What the Fu-" I shouted. Linh smirked and covered my mouth, "No swearing. If you continue swearing I'm going to tape your mouth. OOoooHH! Why the heck are you texting Biana? OMIGOSH. She fucking sent you this emoji!"

"Mmmm!" I said with Linh's hand still in my mouth. "Huh? What?" Linh asked, still watching my phone. Then she noticed her hand is still on my mouth, she put it down and said, "Oops, sorry."

I rolled my eyes, "C'mon Linh. You just swore as well!" Linh gave me this weird face and said, "Bro, me swearing is okay. But being your sister means I need to make sure you have good manners. But you can't tell me not to swear because boys can't tell girls to do things." She continued watching my phone and said, "What the heck! Why do you swear so much when you are texting your friends? And who is The*Villain?" 

Wait, no. Linh can't look at my chat with the Neverseen!  "Linh! Stop it! Give m back my phone!" I grumbled. Linh raised an eyebrow, "You're not doing anything wrong, are you?" "H, huh? No! Of course not! Why would I? Hehehehehehe..." I laughed nervously. Linh laughed as well, "Of course, you're not! Tammy, you are one of the best people I have ever seen in my life. You won't do something like that!" She clicked the name The*Villain. Thankfully, my phone died. "Oh shit!" Linh said. She threw my phone to me, "Why does your phone always die? Ugh." Linh opened her phone and started texting someone.

I stared out of the car window. I should be considering myself lucky that my phone died in time. But some part of me kind of wants Linh to find out. I shook my head, I can't think like this. But Linh's words stayed in my head.

Tammy, you are one of the best people I have ever seen in my life! You won't do something like that!

But I did. I did do something like that.

♥️ *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*♥️ 

No Tammy! Don't to that! Anyway, I didn't put Tiana moments in here because I don't have enough time to write longer chapters. And I want to make this chapter touchy. So yeah. Anyway, I really gtg, so bye! Hopefully I will get to update next week, because I have to get ready for school these days. Thank you for reading! Luv u all! See you around!

~Tiana for life, Biana Song(KotLCKeeper174)

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