Experiment 3 : Syringes

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!! TW : Mentions of syringes, drugs(vials chemicals and intoxication) and blood !!

Sam's Record File - Record 003

106 & 107 : Ranboo & Tommy

Case by : Wilbur Soot & Awesamdude

Working together to experiment on 106 and 107.

"Sam..! I don't know what to write..for the file" Wilbur spoke as I looked at him and sighed, "I asked you to do that 2 hours ago!" I lightly yelled at the younger Scientist as it nervously chuckled "S-sorry, I don't know what to write" He replied, I sighed. "It's fair. Tommy and Ranboo haven't been doing anything lately. I don't think we would get anything from them" I replied as I looked at the two inside the cell. They weren't doing anything, Tommy was playing with his stuffed spider as Ranboo continued to watch him. Nothing! We have nothing! This is useless! What can we do? ...nothing hurtful for them I hope, I don't trust Wilbur. He has syringes ready to eject on them. Vials ready to get drank and used on the two. Sharp..objects..—

The feared objects has yet to come.. "Sam! We can use my syringes on them! I have some chemicals that might just work!" ..I spoke to soon, Wilbur just said the most fearful thing experiments would hate to be done! "Are you sure that's it? Nothing else? Maybe..a little bit more safer..?" I asked as I look at him worriedly, he chuckled "Non-sense! Nothing's safe when it comes to me!" As I expected. I hope Tommy's gonna be okay with that..—does he have a fear of syringes? I have no idea myself.. I started getting worried as Wilbur started to ready the two syringes. I asked, "What's the chemicals?". "Oh this? Hydrochloric acid for Ranboo" Wilbur answered as he put the chemical in the syringe "And Tommy's?" I asked, "Polychlorinated Biphenyls" He answered as I got worried, "I-isn't that toxic? And leads to cancers?!" I asked and yelled at Wilbur worriedly, he laughed, "What kind of experiment doesn't involve danger Sam!? Now let's get cracking!" Wilbur yelled as he looks at me, I stayed quiet for a second, "..okay" I agreed

We moved the two in a different room as we begun the experiment. We did Ranboo first, Tommy was forced to watch as he was chained up, standing next to me. Wilbur was inside the room with Ranboo, I was in the other side of the room, safe to watch. Wilbur took out the syringe that says "Hydrochloric Acid". He went to Ranboo, Wilbur injected the acid into Ranboo's body as Ranboo yelled. The yell was loud, it last for 3 seconds. Ranboo started crying as the tear touched his skin as it starts hurting him "Stop crying! Your harming yourself!" Wilbur yelled, Ranboo tried not to cry as he handled the pain inside his body. It takes a while for the acid to kick in. I went inside the room as I escorted Ranboo out and made him sit on a chair. Wilbur made Tommy go inside the room as Ranboo stood up and watched. I saw concern in Ranboo's eyes

"Sit on the chair 107—I mean Tommy" said Wilbur, Tommy slowly nodded and sat on he chair. I watched worried on what would happen. Tommy was holding his stuffed spider tightly as he saw what Wilbur did to Ranboo. Wilbur pulled out a syringe saying "Polychlorinated Biphenyls". He injected the chemical inside Tommy's body as Tommy didn't tried to yell. Why..? Tommy let out a big breath as he stayed calm and tried to ease the pain. Tommy stood up as Wilbur escorted him back to us and back we go to the Laboratory. Tommy and Ranboo went back to their cell as Tommy cried in his corner as Ranboo—huh? Ranboo was putting pressure on his stomach, he suddenly vomited as he cried, the tears didn't touched his skin as the tears fell on the floor. "Ranboo!!" Tommy yelled as he looked at Ranboo and hugged him, "..please be okay.." He said as Ranboo tried to not vomit. I looked at Wilbur

"Interesting.." He said as he wrote everything down on his clipboard "It's not in a matter of time, Tommy would feel the pain too.." He added as he kept watching. I didn't know what to do, I was worried, fascinated, curios and more to explain.. Ranboo coughed blood as he continued to cry, his eyes went full on purple as he yelled "MAKE IT STOP!! I HURTS, I DON'T LIKE THIS!! PLEASE STOP IT" he cried and yelled, as Tommy was still hugging him, "Ranboo calm down!" Tommy yelled as Ranboo calmed down for a little bit and the cry went to a light sob, "..i-it hurts.." Ranboo said in a weak voice as he turned to Tommy. Tommy felt awful, guilt even..why guilt? He doesn't know.. "..w-why aren't you feeling anything..?" Ranboo asked weakly to Tommy. Tommy answered "..just a slight pain the stomach. No worries..!" He said, not trying to act hurt, Ranboo's already in a bad state. He doesn't want to make a big scene or mess for him to handle. For US to handle per say..

Ranboo hugged Tommy, "..I'm glad you don't feel too bad..or..hurt" he said as he smiled lightly, Tommy nodded as he smiled fakingly.. Wilbur sighed "It's such a same he needed to lie, no one can ease the pain of Polychlorinated Biphenyls. It may lead to cancer or death" he said as he shrugged and went to his desk and started writing there. Wait, hold on, death!? Tommy can't die! His still young! He wont die..he wont die.. He. Wont. Fucking. Die

The two then left the hug as Ranboo continued to vomit blood. I decided to get them some food so I did. I went to the kitchen and took 2 trey's and went back. I gave the two their food as Ranboo started eating, Tommy looked at the trey "..I'll eat later" Tommy said and pushed the trey away, "..oh, okay..I-i'm just going to sleep.." Ranboo replied and added as he decided to sleep, he laid on the mattress from the floor and started sleeping as I went to my desk and wrote everything down. Hours passed as it hit 11:16pm. We did the experiment on 2:27pm. I looked inside the cell as I saw Tommy's food not even touched or changed movement. Ranboo was still asleep. I could still see him breathing so that's a good thing. But Tommy..he skipped lunch and dinner..he haven't touched his food yet.. "Tommy why wont you eat?" I asked as I look at Tommy from the window, "..I'm not hungry.." He answered weakly, his eyes looked tired, his body was losing weight fast. "That's a side effect of the chemical I injected. It make people lose weight and feel full even though their hungry" Wilbur spoke didn't even looked at me nor Tommy. He was still writing, "..!?" I shockingly turned to him, I sighed. I couldn't stop the flowing chemical inside Tommy's body

And if I did, I should've done it sooner.. I stated to worry about Tommy, but every time I made him eat he just says he isn't hungry..I sighed and went back on writing. I saw Wilbur creating another chemical. I got worried he might put it in next..this guy is made from pure danger. He wont stop til' it's actually the end of the line. Sadly enough, it just started.. I stopped writing as I watched the two. I rather keep watch on the two than work..besides, without these two? We don't have anything to do.. Ranboo then finally woke up, he stood up and stretched his body and yawned. He went to Tommy and stared at his trey, he sat next to Tommy and leaned his head on Tommy's shoulders as he put his mouth on Tommy's ear and whispered lightly "Why haven't you ate yet..?" as indeed a question, "I dont feel like eating.." Tommy answered weakly once again as his eyes started to get tired, more like he needs and wants sleep. Ranboo rolled his head "mmm..eat..you might get an Eating Disorder.." he said and stopped as he looked at Tommy, Tommy sighed "..your right..but, if I don't finish my food, I'd give it to Sam to store.." Tommy agreed and said as Ranboo nodded

Tommy started eating as he only took 6 bites from the food when he pushed it away once again. I sighed as I went inside the cell and grab the trey and put it on the desk. "6 bites? And your already full?" Ranboo asked as he was hugging his to joined legs while facing Tommy's direction. "..yeah, I'm full already.." Tommy replied and leaned his head to Ranboo as he slowly fell asleep, Ranboo smiled lightly as he fell asleep as well

This, day was..full of events! And all of them, all of them were bad.. I'm scared for the two. Especially Tommy, like Wilbur said..he might die..the only good thing I would take is him having caner or some sorts.. Ranboo's just coughing blood and vomiting.. Wilbur didn't even felt guilt! ... I wonder why..has he done this already? To Ranboo? Pass cases? His just insane..his a insane man.. I cant trust him..

End of Record 2. Sam here speaking. Sam here, leaving the record. Goodbye to whom found this.

I should stop recordi—

It cuts off once again

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