Experiment 5 : A Real Roller Coaster

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Sam's Record File - 005

I was taking care of Scott as he just "insanely" laugh. Man, when was the chemical gonna wear off? It's been 2 days—I'm getting worried—Scott then gasped as if he just realized something, "Hm?" I asked as I turned to him "We both have the same first letter of our name :0 !!" He said as I just rolled with it "Your right Scott!" I said and chuckled lightly as I pretended I just noticed as well, he continued to laugh as I tried not to make it obvious I wasn't pretending. "Sam!!" Wilbur came yelled opening the door as he started catching his breath "Hm? Oh hello Mr. Soot" I greeted the Younger Scientist as he seemed panicked "SAM- We have a problem!!" Wilbur yelled pulling me out of the room "W-what do you mean?" I asked as I followed his forceful pull.

"Tommy is kinda—REALLY REALLY WHITE" he answered as he yelled entering the elevator as I continued to follow; "Excuse me!?" I asked as I started rushing and pushed the button for Floor 55. Wilbur didn't reply as he was panicking. We soon made it to the floor as we rushed to our Lab and in to Tommy and Ranboo's cell. I rushed to Tommy as he seems lifeless. "What the fuck did you do Wil!?" I asked Wilbur as I carried Tommy and rushed out and put Tommy on a experiment table and checked his pulse. "I–i just—nothing! I actually did nothing!" Wilbur yelled with the response that I obviously didn't needed and wanted. Ranboo went out of his cell as he watched from a far.

"Shit!" I yelled as I didn't felt a pulse. I panicked as I did everything I can. For the past 5 hours. It seemed hopeless. When suddenly..; Tommy flinched as he woke up panicked and gasped for air "DAD—!!" He yelled as he quickly hugged me scared and panicked. I was confused, "I-huh?" I confusingly reacted as Tommy let go "S-shit! N-no! Sorry! I—sorry! I-I didn't meant to—y-you were gone for 2 days—I-sorry!" He seemed mouthful of words as he struggled to talk. I sighed from relief as Ranboo went to him and hugged him lightly "I thought you were dead!" Ranboo commented, "I-i thought so too—..I just fell asleep a-and—holy shit..." Tommy replied as he started tearing up. Me and Wilbur gently escorted the two back to their cell's and I made sure to keep watch of Tommy more often..

As I remembered; "I just left Scott!!" I yelled as I ran out as Wilbur watched me panicked as he just shrugged it off. I ran trough the stais and in to the Asylum. Rushing there, I saw Jimmy there aking care of him. I sighed from relief. Jimmy stood up and went to me; "How many DANG times—did YOU or ORI, LEAVE, Scott ALONE and FRICKING—UNPROVIDED" Jimmy yelled not trying to swear, I see right through him.. "Scott isn't my or OUR main priority here! We have other things to do! You absolute SELFISH BITCH—" I replied yelling, swearing at him, he got furious "You watch your language!!" He yelled as I got hot blooded "You are not my FUCKING dad! And if you were, I WOULD NEVER LISTEN TO A SELFISH UNCARING BITCH WHO LIES." I continued to yell as others start to hear us.

Grian and Scar came running in as they pushed both of us away as I was so mad at Jimmy I almost unintentionally punched him. Luckily, Grian and Scar managed to pull me and Jimmy away from each other, "Guys guys! Stop!" Scar yelled as he looked both me and Jimmy, "Why are you two fighting!?" Grian asked as he looked annoyed like as if we were young annoying troublemaker kids. "He left Scott alone unprovided! And I can NOT have that!!" Jimmy yelled as I of course didnt meant to leave Scott, I wanted to punch him so badly..!! "Hey! I left because Tommy was about to die! If you can stop being a careless bitch then maybe you'd understand!!" I yelled as Scar watched, and Grian being annoyed, "Stop fighting you two! And Jimmy! Do understand Sam is very busy! He cant be here 24/7! W-we can get other Scientists to watch over Scott alright!?" Grian yelled and looked at Jimmy, Jimmy didnt even agree, "I'll watch over Scott! You all can leave!" Jimmy yelled and pushed us out.

As Scar let himself out, "Sam! I am so sorry about Jimmy! H-his just worried about Scott, okay?" Grian tried to calm me down, and that was beyond my mission. I was too mad I didn't even replied and I just walked off, when Scar yelled; "Hey! Grian wanted if you want to see his lovely Experiment Garden!" which caught my attention. "Scar!?" Grian yelled as he chuckled "Didnt we went here for that?" Scar asked as Grian just chuckled. I went back to them, "Well, if that is your intentions here. Sure then," I said as Grian was about to talk when I continued my sentence; "But!". "But..?" Grian asked, "I'd like to bring Tommy and Ranboo! D-dont worry! They are well behaved!" I said as I reassure them "Oh! Alrighty then! Just go by the Garden with them then!" Scar said delighted as Grian got pulled away by Scar since Grian IS 'small'.

I waved my hand as they left, and of course. I was still mad about Jimmy..why cant he understand!? ...anyways..I continued on, I went to my Laboratory and saw Wilbur running tests on the two "Hey Wil, you dont mind me bringing Tommy and Ranboo at Grian's Garden Experiment Place thing right?" I asked Wilbur as he got startled but he didnt mind, "Uh..sure" he answered unsurely. Either way..I still need to bring the two, with that I escorted the two out "Can I come?" Wilbur asked as I answered with a light nod. With hat out of the way, we went to Grian's Garden Experiment Place Thing—whatever—. We soon made it there, we entered and oh my shit. A lot of people were there, what is Grian and Scar planning?! It is like a birthday party in here!

"Oh! Sam! Your finally here! With Wilbur and your Experi—I-i mean, Tommy and Ranboo! My apologies!" Grian greeted me mouthful of words, stuttering, like he does "It's alright, but, why is like, half of everyone here in 999 Laboratory here..?" I replied as I asked on why a lot of people are here. "Hm? Oh, I wanted to try something..don't worry!" He answered and reassured me. But from my perspective..I don't really "trust" what he said. You cant always trust Grian with some things. Sure his nice, but he is also a mischievous gremlin.

"Alright! Hello everyone! Greetings! I have gathered you all here! For a big Project or so, a Experiment me and Scar have been doing for a couple of months now!" Grian started as he looked at everyone, everyone would listen to the smaller Scientist "Yes! I-oh, I mean! We! Would want someone to touch this potted plant!" Scar said stuttering, trying to get his lines right. But I am not going to touch that Potted Plant. No way good sir! "I'll do it!" Yelled Impulse around the back. "Alright! Come here Impulse!" Said Scar as Impulse excitedly came up front.


It crashes and cuts off

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