Crush Chop and Burn

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Allison's Outfit•••"Lacie, why isn't Leo here yet? He's usually here by now

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Allison's Outfit
"Lacie, why isn't Leo here yet? He's usually here by now." Allison asks looking around for her other best-friend.

"Allison, look he'll be here soon. No need to worry, okay?" Lacie says calming her best-friend down.

Leo, Lacie, and Allison have been best-friends since the 2nd grade. Lacie and Allison have been friends since birth, seeing as both of their mothers were friends.

Unfortunately, Allisons mom died after giving birth to her. They already knew something like this was going to happen, but they didn't want to face the truth.

"Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho!" Chase says giggling like a child on Christmas.

"I can't believe we're actually at school. I am so excited! Oh, my first lunch lady." Bree says excitedly. She runs up and hugs the lunch lady, before getting pulled away by Leo. "She smelled like fish sticks." Bree smiles.

"Do me a favor and try to act like you've seen the world. I have a reputation to uphold here." Leo says, before Steve comes up behind him and gives him a wedgie. "Ahhh! Good to see you too, Steve!" Leo says.

Allison and Lacie give each other a confused look, before walking towards Leo.

"Uhm, Leo, what's going on?" Allison asks. "Oh, hey, how's it goin'?" Leo says nervousness evident in his voice. When he sees that the two aren't messing around he sighs. "These are my new step-siblings. Adam, Bree, and-" Leo starts but is cut off by a loud noise.

The three look over and see Adam holding a locker door. Chase runs over and pulls him away from the girl.

"Adam! Would you two quit goofing off? We're supposed to not draw attention to ourselves." Chase scolds, but before he can say anything else he falls to the floor yelling.

"Is he okay? Are you okay?" Lacie asks staring at the boy, wide eyed. "Yeah, he's fine he just has Bion- sensitive hearing." Bree says cutting herself off.

"What was that?" Chase asks panting? "It's the bell. It rings every 40 minutes, 8 times a day." Allison explains. "Yeah and if you don't wanna be know as a loser than I probably wouldn't fall to the floor ever time the bell rings." Lacie adds.

"C'mon, Alli we have to go or Mrs. Smith will give us detention." Leo says grabbing the brunette's hand.

She squeals in surprise and follows after him.

It was now gym class aka Leo's favorite class. Allison and Lacie were sitting on the bleachers, just talking to each other.

"I hate gym class." Leo whines. "Why?" Adam asks him. Someone throws Leo a ball and when he dribbles it, it ends up hitting his feet. "Aaahh!" Leo says holding his foot. "That's why." Lacie and Allison say in unison.

"So big deal— You can't play basketball. Chess club's where all the action's at." Chase says a smug look on his face. "No, honey, no it's not." Lacie says patting his shoulder.

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