Pursuit, Part 3

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Hey guys, here's the new chapter. Hope y'all like it!

Third POV

After the spectacle of Spider Woman preventing the disaster of a falling crane and helicopter, she hangs upside down from a streetlight as fans crowd around taking pictures and singing her praises. 

The protégés, worried about their fellow hero after seeing her take a hit from the crane, slip through the crowd and approach the bottom of the streetlight. Getting her attention, they ask if they can go somewhere more private to talk. 

Spider Woman nods agreeably, and they stop on the roof of an abandoned building a few blocks away from the commotion. 

The protégés proceed to check on the vigilante, explaining their worry that she may have been hurt from the hit she took. She quickly dismisses their worries, explaining that she does in fact have a healing factor, and that she's been hit much harder. She insists she is fine, but the group of teens ask if she would agree to going to their base for a checkup, just in case. 

Unable to remain unmoved under the concerned gazes of the group, (and awed expression from Ms. Martian,) she reluctantly acquiesces to getting her injury looked at. 

Thus, Spider Woman enters the Cave for the first time. 

But certainly, not the last.


The Team's POV

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe Spider Woman is coming with us to the Cave! I'm so excited; she's so cool! Ohmygoshihavetomakecookies-"

Kid Flash laughs at Ms. Martians rambling, whispering to Robin, "dang, she's talking so fast I can hardly understand her!"

Robin cackles, and underlying sense of excitement within him as well. 

"Can't say I blame her though; I really didn't think she'd join us."

Aqualad intercedes with an exasperated smile. 

"While I understand your enthusiasm, Spider Woman has not yet agreed to join the team. She simply agreed to come with us to check on her injury, which is most likely a result of someone's pestering."

Here, he looks at Kid Flash and Robin amusedly, as they were both admittedly the ones to basically nag at the female hero to get her wound checked out. The two at least have the decency to blush, before Robin speaks up defensively. 

"Hey, we weren't pestering. We were just monitoring the health of a fellow hero. Besides, we might be able to get her to join the team if she sees me-I mean, us, in action."

Before Kid Flash can make a pointed retort, the girl in question speaks up. 

"You guys know I can hear you, right?"

The three boys turn and notice that Spider Woman seems to be raising an unimpressed eyebrow beneath her mask, Superboy at her side trying to smother his entertained smile as he hops from the rooftops in time with Spider Woman's swinging. 

The boys, caught in the act, could only blush and turn their heads, doing little to hide their red ears. They focus on making it back to the Cave without embarrassing themselves more, while Ms. Martian remains focused on chatting excitedly to the female hero, Superboy content to stay at their sides and watch. 

Eventually, they make it back to the Cave, where Batman, Black Canary, Manhunter, Flash, and Aquaman are waiting. 

For once, Superman's absence isn't noticed by Superboy, too occupied with watching dumbly as the female Martian geeks out at meeting her hero. Black Canary's presence, however, garnered a few looks, especially with the occasional glances she would send at Spider Woman. 

Soon, Batman clears his throat, prompting the protégés to quiet down. 

"In regards to your most recent mission, you will all write a report and submit it to me by the end of the week. As it is, I already have your next mission, if you're all ready to take it. I also understand that you've brought Spider Woman along to get her injury looked at."

Here, Batman and Spider Woman lock gazes. Sighing almost inaudibly, the female vigilante nods unwillingly. 

"I was nagged to come here by your protégé."

Flash, Aquaman, and their sidekicks choke out a laugh at the girl's deadpan statement, while Batman's lips noticeably curve at seeing his wards spluttering face. 

Face returning to its stern disposition, Batman directs the protégés to wait in the briefing room while he and Black Canary lead Spider Woman towards the medical ward. 

Once the group is alone, Kid Flash sends a smug smile at Robin. 

"Heh, nag."

The rest of the team watch as the Boy Wonder puts his friend in a headlock.

"You were doing it too!"


Batman's POV

After seeing the footage of the incident with the crane, I knew it was only a matter of time before the Team brought Spider Woman to the Cave. 

I was proven right when the group of protégés came in with the female vigilante in tow, looking completely unwilling despite being covered head to toe in her costume. I fight down a smile, Robin probably cajoled her into coming. 

This was also proven correct when Spider Woman told me Robin "nagged" her. I couldn't stop a smile at that, but quickly regained face. 

The female hero is now following me to the med bay, Black Canary a few steps behind her. 

When finding out her niece is Spider Woman, Dinah was understandably distressed. Her sister, Gwen's mother, died when Gwen was very young, and Dinah wanted Gwen as far away from the hero business as possible. However, leading a double life is time consuming, so Dinah was unable to be there that often for her niece. 

Therefore, she wasn't there when Gwen got her powers, nor was she there when the girl witnessed the death of her best friend. 

She wasn't there when the girl blamed herself for it. 

Canary explained the family situation to me, and I, in turn, explained the hero one to her. She was upset, and I can't say I blame her. Gwen suffered, and she suffered alone. I personally know how that feels. 

The girl couldn't even tell her father, as it would put him in danger, knowing her identity. 

I can understand her, perhaps that is one of the reasons I am so fond of her. Consequently, when it was proven she knew my and Dick's identities, I was not angry. 

Rather, I find myself impressed. Despite knowing how intelligent she is from her school records and her wit in battle, she still managed to take me off guard at knowing my identity. 

Not many can do that. 

Even if Canary would rather the girl not be a hero, she knows just as well as I do how good the kid is at it. Not to mention the strength of the girls heart and will. 

Spider Woman is a strong hero. Gwen is a strong person. Both have my full respect. 

Besides, I have to support her, especially if she becomes a part of the family. 

Dick's already started practicing his pick-up lines in front of the mirror. 

Hey guys! This was a fun chapter to write, let me tell you! Couple things happening next chapter, med bay check up, a talk between aunt and niece, and the Drop Zone episode mission. 

Also, I've been getting A LOT of messages about pairings, and a lot of you want Gwen to be paired with Zatanna. Not gonna lie, I was pretty surprised. I haven't decided on pairings yet, but I always thought Gwen would be straight. I'm gonna take yall's advice into account though before I decide. Hope everyone liked the chapter, see you next time! 



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