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The whole team was sitting in our cabin trying to find out where the man in black was.
"We need to send two teams out, me, Zoe, Ethan, and Jason on one team, and Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Leo on another. Everyone else stay here and make sure he doesn't come back." I said.

My team went to my father's palace. His servants cleaned everything up. "Everyone fan out and search for anything" I said.
We searched for hours until we found something. "Hey look guys!" Jason said. "What?" I said.
He pushed a brick and a small section of the wall slid back revieling a small tunnel. "Well let's go" I said.
We followed the tunnel for about a half hour and popped up next to a huge wall. When I looked up I saw that it was a castle wall. This wasn't anything of my dad's. We crept past the wall and slid into a room but the door slammed shut right when we got in. "Guess we're not going back that way" said Jason.
We walked up to a throne in the middle of the vast room. "This must be the man in blacks throne, but why would a tunnel from Percy's father's castle lead to this one?"
"Don't ask me" I said.
We started to walk back when the throne simmered and the man in black appeared standing at his throne. "Ah, we meet again. He said.
"Who are you?" I said.
"Ah, I am Ranus, master of dark energy, titan of shadows" he said.
"How come I never heard of you?" I said confused.
"Alas I am Kronos's brother, living in the shadow of my big brother." He replied.
"Why would you kill your own brother?!" I screamed outrage.
"He never wanted me, he tossed me out like garbage!" He said and he lunged at me. I sidestepped and Jason sent a small pulse of electricity through him. Ranus stumbled and fell and I encased I'm in a small tornado. He got up and tried to punch his way through but he just got blown back. I started advancing on him and shut down the tornado. I lunged and tackled him and we went flying a hundred yards. We rolled down a flight of stairs and landed with a crunch. I was thrown back a little and he landed on his back at the foot of the stairs. 'Team two we found him!' I said in the other teams heads.
' We're on our way!' They said back. We both got up and we clashed again this time going up the stairs. 'Wow, really I thought as we landed back in the throne room.
"You puny demigod, I'll crush you!"
Ranus said.
"Yeah good luck with that." I said as I slammed the hilt of riptide into his chest and he crumpled.
I put the tip of my sword under his chin and was fixing to make the final blow when I heard a scream. The scream of Zoe Nightshade. I turned around to see Ethan stabbing Zoe from behind through the stomach.
"No!" I screamed as I tackled Ethan to the ground. Ranus and Ethan got up and surged toward me. "Get her to camp and don't come back!" I screamed to Jason.
He just nodded and took Zoe in his arms and flew away. I teleported the others back to camp and lunged at Ethan and Ranus. We clashed and we all flew back a few feet. I consentrated and put my hand out. I saw six soldiers with swords. "ATTACK!!!!" I screamed and they surged forward. I teleported to camp and ran in the big house. I looked at Jason and he shook his head. I'm sorry Percy" he said.

After that I stayed in my room in the cabin and didn't come out. I trained with my swordsmans. They always reformed whenever I wanted them to so I couldn't kill them forever. I stuck to training, it kept me from thinking about...her.

PERCY JACKSON MIXED LIVESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang