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*Third person*
Nico and Jason were hanging out at Jason's cabin when they were teleported to Olympus. The gods sat before them in their thrones. "You two are friends of Percy Jackson?" Zeus questioned.
"Um, duh!" Nico said.
"I don't like your tone, but I admire it." Zeus said grudgingly. "You will become God's, for fighting beside Percy and having his back."
"Son of Zeus, Jason Grace, step forward." Jason did what he was told.
"My son, my pride and joy, I assign you to be the god of wind. Ruler of all minor wind gods."
"Nico Diangelo, come forth." Hades said.
"My son I assign you to be the god of shadows. Master of the dark."
"Thanks" Jason and Nico said.
"You are not Olympians though but not minor gods." Zeus said.
"We understand." Jason said and they were flashed back to camp. The middle of the camp. Everyone staring. They began to glow and after it subsided they had a powerful aura around them. The campers clapped and Chiron came to the front. "All hail Jason Grace and Nico Diangelo, god of wind and God of shadows!"

***Percy's pov***

I was in my tent when I heard a mighty roar outside. I rushed out uncapping riptide to see a drakon looming over the camp. Artemis shot it in the eye with her bow and the beast screeched in pain as he dove at Artemis. I spread my wings and shot at it and slammed it into the air with my shoulder. It bared its fangs and shot poison at me. I dodged it and stabbed its other eye. I kicked it square in the head and sent it into the ground. I flew down and stabbed it in the chest and it exploded into golden dust. I sensed an arrow fly at me and caught it with two fingers. Then the forest exploded and let forth three dragons this time and a three titans.
"How did you three get out of Tartarus?" I asked and realized it was Kronos and Krios, and Hyperion.
"I was never your father, I tricked you. Now I have a fragment of your power. I will be invincible!"
"Many powers are at play Jackson, and you will not be able to beat them alone." Krios said with a snarl.
"Ok, I'm just gonna assume that you're crazy and ignore that comment." I said sarcastically," now to killing you three."
I lunged at the dragons and killed two in one swipe of my sword. I stabbed the other and turned to the titans. I ran at them but stopped when I saw a gust of wind in front of me shape Jason's body. Jason appeared from the wind. Then a shadow formed and Nico appeared from it.
"Thought you could use a hand." Jason said.
"Guys, it's not safe."
"Relax, we're gods, well not as powerful as you but still can't die." Nicole said.
Each ran at one titan leaving me Kronos to deal with.
I ran at him and our weapons clashed. I slashed and hacked until I found a weak spot in his defense. I slashed where he wasn't guarding and made a deep cut in his ribs. He howled in pain but regained his balance. He lunged at me but I knocked his scythe in the water. He dove after it. Wrong move. I jumped in and called a great white shark. I commanded it to attack and together we finally beat him. I willed the water to carry me back to shore. I landed on solid ground and walked up to Jason and Nico.
"So...gods?" I asked.
"god of wind" Jason said.
"god of shadows" Nico said.
"Well then, I think we have another war on our hands based on what Hyperion said." I informed them. "And we can't handle them alone."

(Sorry it's short guys. And sorry, at first I forgot about Percy finding out about his father really being evil.)

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