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I was torn up about Zoe. My room was a wreck. I came out finally when my friends, Luke, and Jason came and talked me into coming out. I went back to the enemy fortress later to find my soldiers disintegrated and Ethan and Ranus gone. 'Percy, we found something.' Beckendorf said in my head.
'Where are you?' I said.
'Underworld, fields of asphodel.' He replied.
'On my way.'

I stepped out of my portal with razor. I hadn't spent much time with him except training. "Perce, this ain't good." Luke said.
"What's the problem?" I asked.
"See for yourself."
I looked to where he was pointing and saw the pit of Tartarus.
"Ah, come on! I already went through this!" I said.
"They're down there Percy, are we going to follow them?" Piper said.
"Me, Luke, And Jason are going, everyone else go to camp and defend it." I said.
"Jason control the winds and fly down. Luke, you mind hitching a ride on Razor?" I said.
"Nah, I got it" he said and yelled, "Mia!" And flying sneakers shot out of the pit and raced to Luke.
"Gotta love the classics" he said as I climbed on Razor's back. Razor spread his wings and all of us shot down toward the bottom of the pit.

We came to the bottom and saw a river. We swerved and landed on the banks. We decided to fly because it would be faster. As we flew I began to think. At the start we came to camp in hood's that represented us not trusting them. Now we tore the hood off and trusted. I wore no cloak now. Just a sea green t-shirt under a black zip up jacket, jeens, and sea green and blue sneakers. I looked over at Jason and saw that he was pale, the same for Luke. Jason fell from the blood red sky. "Jason!" Luke said as he plunged down and caught Jason and set him down on glass like ground. Me and Razor landed next to them.
"We need to drink fire." I said.
"What?!" Luke said.
"The river plegethon"(spell check?) I said.
"Ok, if you say so." He said. We flew down to the river of fire. I cupped my hand and sipped the fire water. It tasted just like last time. Luke did the same.
"Spicy, hot hot hot!" He said.
I drizzled fire water into Jason's moth. He sat up and coughed.
"Wow, that's hot." He said.
"No kidding!" Luke said. We continued flying across the red terrain. "Woah!" Jason said. "Gaint, three o'clock!"
We flew down and saw polybotes lumbering around. We landed and advanced. "Son of the sea god, I have waited for your return!" He said.
He snapped his fingers and all of the giants appeared. "Oh come on!" I said and we charged.

We killed half of them in five minutes. We slashed them down together. I guess I count as a god because I'm a titan. We were doing good until Jason got slammed with the but of Enciladas's spear. Luke stood over Jason defending him. I stood facing most of the giants. I couldn't defend my friends and me. I was about to give up when a spear jutted out of polybotes's stomach. Bob the titan jumped out and lunged into battle Damason right behind him. They destroyed everything in their way. I jumped into battle too. I slashed porphyrion in half and he turned to dust. I waited for him to reform but he never did. I'm a half blood and a titan! Maybe that means I don't need the help of a god. We killed the last giant and stopped to rest. "Bob. Damason, you're alive!" I said.
"Percy!" Bob said as he crushed me in a hug. We all got introduced.
"Owey." Bob said as he touched Jason's chest and the bruise and cut disappeared.
"Thanks." Jason said.
We shared stories. Bob said that they had defeated Tartarus and had been roaming Tartarus ever since. I asked both of them to join our team. They both said yes.
"Lets start moving." Jason said.
"Wait where's small bob?" I said.
Bob whistled a taxicab squeal and small Bob in large form morphed out of a shadow.
"Wait, small Bob can shadow travel?" "I learned a lot more about him down here." He said.
"Well let's go." I said.
We all shot across the waste land. Damason's deal on roared as he ran, the giant on his back yelling in delight. "We have reached our prey." Bob said. We glanced up on a hill and saw Ranus and Ethan trudging down the hill. We shot toward them. We all rushed into them together but when we were fixing to smash into them We went straight through a portal and came out at half blood hill.
"NNNNOOOOOO!!!!!" I screamed in anger. "No! He tricked us!" I fell on my knees and trembled with rage. Bob put a hand on my shoulder and I stood up. Annabeth rushed over and hugged Bob.
"Annabeth Chase, I, Percy Jackson declare you a warrior of team omega. You don't have a choice." I said.
She smiled,"I would have said yes anyway." I didn't mean to but I read her mind. I saw Jake slipping a love potion in her drink the night they kissed. I saw it wearing off and her feeling terrible. I instantly forgave her. She didn't do anything wrong, she was a victim.
I whispered in her ear,"I know about the love potion and I forgive you".
"Oh seaweed brain!" She said as she jumped into my arms.
I think life is straightening up for me.

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