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*Artemis pov*
(Bet you didn't see that coming)

I told Percy to meet me at the hunters camp but he'll never find it. I flashed to my camp and called my girls.
"Girls, we are going to have a guardian. He's on his way now."
"A guardian? Why would we need a guardian? And a male?" Phoebe said.
"We are running into more powerful monsters, we need a guardian." I said.
"I can't believe this." She replied and stormed to her tent.

*Percy pov*

I landed in the middle of the woods so I could walk on foot. I walked for about three miles when I sensed someone behind me. The person lunged at me and bit my shoulder. I glanced back and saw Lycaon. (Spell check?) I ran him through with riptide and he crumbled to dust. My bite stung but I just kept walking. I walked about a mile and couldn't stand it anymore. I fell to my knees and hands. I saw claws sprout from my fingers. Fur grew from my hands. When I looked in a puddle I saw a black and white wolf with sea green eyes. I was a werewolf! I ran as fast as I could. I finally came to a clearing with the hunters camp there. I saw the hunters being attacked and leapt into the monsters. I slashed with my claws and bit with my teeth. When I was done I had arrows in my hide, slashes everywhere. I heard Phoebe say, " it's a werewolf, we must kill it."
"No need to." Thalia said."I fell from my wounds. I blacked out when I hit the ground.

I woke to see two beautiful silver eyes staring at me with concern. I was still in my wolf form. I took in my surroundings. I was on the ground in a tent. Artemis was taking care of me. All of a sudden Phoebe came in and dragged me out and threw me in the middle of camp. She kicked me everywhere. Some other hunters joined her.
"Phoebe, stop." Artemis said.
"What, he's just a werewolf, a mutt." She said as she stomped on my back right leg, breaking in. I whispered in pain. She slashed me with her knife in the back and sides multiple time until Artemis took her knife.
"If a werewolf takes enough pain. It will show its human form. Lets see who he is." Phoebe said as she kicked my broken leg and stomped it again. The pain was too much, I screamed in pain and morphed to my human form. They all gasped.
"Percy?" Artemis said, but I was already closing my eyes.

I woke up a week later feeling ok. I got up from bed but sat down quickly. My leg was still hurt. I limped out but was engulfed in a group hug by the hunters.
"We're sorry." They said.
"Its ok." I said, "but don't think all werewolf are bad in the future."
"Ok Percy." Artemis said with a smirk. I stood up and whistled a taxi cab whistle. Razor soared into view over the trees. He landed and I pulled a small folded price of cloth from a pouch on his back. I played it down and said tent and it unfolded to a tent. I limped in and razor followed me. He played down in a corner and started to snore. I played on my bed and rested.

*Time skip*
Its been three months since I joined the hunt. I scouted the perimeter and looked over the hunters every day. I also did chores.
"Hello Percy what can I do for you?" Artemis said as I walked into her tent.
"Nothing, I just wanted to know if there is anything extra I can do." I said.
"No, not really."she said, "but you can hang out with me."
That made my stomach fill with butterflies. I can't help it, I have a huge crush on Artemis. "Ok" I said. We just sat there for hours talking and laughing. After that I had to speak with Aphrodite.
"Well I have a meeting with Aphrodite so bye" I said a little too quickly.
"Ok" Artemis said suspiciously.

I flashed to Olympus and walked to Aphrodite's palace. I walked in and sat in a chair in front of her.
"What can I do for you percy?" She asked.
Well it's Artemis, I think I'm in love with her." I said.
"Um, what did you say percy?"
I heard a feminine voice say as Artemis stepped out from behind a wall.
"Um, nothing?!?" Wad my stupid and desperate answer.
"Oh my gods!!! You would be a great couple!" Aphrodite squealed.
I stepped close to Artemis and said, "I love you."
She threw her arms around me and said, "I love you too!" With tears in her eyes, but tears of joy. I pulled her close and kissed her. While I kissed her we flashed out. We flashed to a restaurant and had a nice date. I was happy again.

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