Chapter seven

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Sadly, I don't see Alexander on campus all day. I think Dora was right; Oliver will do anything to crush me, hurt me, and prove he'll not leave me alone until I disappear. The bet is only there to prove his point. I try to get on with my lectures, while everyone keeps staring and whispering behind my back. I know it's because of Oliver. He's everywhere.

By the time I get home, I feel like curling up on my bed and hiding, but I don't want to miss my date with Alexander. To take my mind off today's events, I have a shower and take my time with makeup. My hands are shaking when I put my clothes back on. Other than my first outing for coffee with Alexander, it's been a year since I've gone out on a proper date with anyone. Men make me nervous, and the past still haunts me. Slowly and steadily, I'm going to get there.

A few hours later, Alexander picks me up at my apartment. He looks handsome and he complements me. My nerves are slowly eating me away. My pulse is racing, and my chest is tight, so I excuse myself to the restroom once we reach the cinema. For a long moment I stand in front of the mirror, hoping this panic attack will pass. Nothing seems to be going according to plan. I keep telling myself I'll be fine, and I can go through with this.

Finally, my breathing returns to normal. When I leave the bathroom Alexander seems concerned, but I lie and tell him I'm fine. Once we're inside the screening, I try to relax. Our last date was perfect, so I don't want to ruin anything for him.

Soon the film starts, and I lose myself in the undiscovered fictional world. Alexander seems to be absorbed with what's happening on the screen. We talked while we were walking here, and he seemed to be really interested in this film. Halfway through the screening, I begin to wonder if Alexander is really that into me. A few times I cover my face with my hands, pretending to be scared, but he doesn't try to touch me once or comfort me in any way.

During one particular scary scene, I grab his hand and hold it for several minutes, expecting him to pull me towards him. What I get instead is a smile and a pat on the back.

I don't try it again, wondering if I missed something. After the movie is over, we have a quiet drink at one of the bars in town. Alexander asks about my interest in criminal law and my obsession with films. I give him the address to my blog.

The date is pleasant enough, but he doesn't seem to be as relaxed as on the first date. The chemistry between us is suddenly gone. Maybe I'm paranoid and he's just a gentleman. As he walks me to my apartment, we're silent, the only sound is that of our footsteps and occasional sighs. All of a sudden, I feel like that perfect date in the coffee shop wasn't so perfect anymore, because the connection that we had is no longer there.

Alexander appears tense when we stop in front of the entrance to my apartment. "I was wondering if you're doing anything this weekend?"

Right, now I'm totally confused. At first, he does everything to show me he isn't into me, and now he's asking me what I'm doing this weekend?

I shift my weight to the side and look at him, raising my eyebrow. "Nothing, no plans as usual."

"There's a secret party I've been invited to. Do you want to come along?" he asks, a smirk playing on his lips.

"A secret party?" I repeat. "You know I don't party much."

"I'll get the text an hour before with the details. Come on, let me take you out." He leans closer. For a long moment we stare at each other. My heart begins to race. Alexander's lips turn up in a smile, and I know this is the moment I've been waiting for. He's going to kiss me.

"Give me a call on Saturday. I don't mind going." My voice is quiet as I stuff my hands in my pockets nervously.

"Great. See you on Saturday, India." He nods, then turns and hurries away.

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