Chapter Seventeen

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Okay, I have to accept what he's offering. He's clear on that. I take a deep breath and walk up to him. His eyes sparkle with a hint of challenge when we stand facing each other even closer than before. This is my chance to make everything right. The truth will come with time, but this time it's all about him.

"I'll stay out of your way and you'll stay out of mine. It's a deal," I say and extend my hand and wait for him to shake it. His eyes darken, and for a split second I wonder if he's going to laugh in my face and insult me again. Surprisingly, after a long, tense moment, his palm touches mine and then we both shake hands.

"It looks like you got yourself a deal, Indi. Who would have thought so?" he says.

"Your mother would love to see you. Please consider visiting her while you're in Gargle," I add, maybe crossing the line, but I blame alcohol for my big mouth tonight. Oliver hasn't won his bet yet, so for now I'm safe. He might be planning something else later on when we get back to Braxton, but I can't worry about this now. I just have to trust him.

"Stay out of this. She doesn't deserve to see me. My mother did enough damage already."

"Oh, there you are. I th—" Dora cuts in, stopping abruptly at the door. She spots Oliver by me and her eyes widen.

I want to shout that we're only talking, but Dora's imagination starts working overtime.

"I was leaving, anyway," he snaps like he's irritated Dora's seen him tonight.

"Oliver, bloody hell, what are you doing in Gargle?" asks my best friend as he passes her in the entrance.

"None of your business, Dor. Just pretend you didn't see me." He strolls out of the room. My breathing comes back to normal when I'm left alone with her.

"What the fuck, India? What's Oliver doing here?"

"I've no idea. But you should be glad to know we're no longer enemies." I try to sound normal, but my voice is too high.

Dora stares at me blankly, like I'm speaking Chinese. "What, you agree to put all the pranks and nonsense behind you?"

"Yes, Dora, that's what I'm trying to tell you. We agreed to put the hatred behind us."

"So... so, do you think you two will be friends now?"

"I wouldn't vote for friendship. We just don't hate each other anymore. It's a bit of progress."

Dora demands to hear everything that went on in this room between Oliver and me. After an intense interrogation by my best friend, I walk back downstairs. I need another drink to erase the image of Oliver from my head. As it turns out, he's nowhere to be seen, and I start to wonder if our conversation took place only in my imagination. Last week, I wanted him dead and now we seem to be getting along just fine.

The rest of the evening passes in a blur. I pour alcohol down my throat and dance, trying to have fun. When the fireworks go off at midnight, I'm too drunk to even stand straight. At least the whole evening wasn't a complete waste. Oliver hasn't forgotten. He's temporarily forgiven how cruel I used to be. He couldn't have come because of me, but then I remember he was ready to rescue me, before Russell took over.


It's been thirteen months since I saw Oliver last. Thirteen long months since I made a decision to abandon my bad self. Oliver's mother has been going through a divorce, and I've put in my UCAS application to Braxton. My grades were good, and Mum kept saying I'd definitely get the place.

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