Chapter Sixteen

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Christmas day comes and goes. Mum keeps nagging me to invite Dora over, but I explain that she's away with her new boyfriend. Besides, I don't even know when she will be back to Gargle. Mum doesn't know about my past, and for now it needs to stay that way. She has enough problems on her own, and I don't want to get her involved with my drama. Everything will fall into place eventually.

When I'm back home, I can't quite believe how much my sister Josephine has grown up. She's a book nerd, much more mature than I was at her age. Mum has never been a strict parent. Josephine and I always had a lot of freedom, and maybe that's why I want to keep this secret hidden. My mother doesn't deserve to take the blame for what Christian did, and I know she would if she knew the truth. She was never fond of him. She often said I shouldn't be with someone just because I thought it was right at the time.

After a few days, Oliver's return to Gargle triggers my thoughts. I still can't believe he showed up outside his own house after two years. The rhythm of my heart misses a beat whenever I think about how he just stood there, staring at me. Even in a crowd, we can find each other, like some kind of current in my body pulls me to him when he's near.

It's close to New Year's Eve when I finally hear from Dora. She texts to say she'll be at this party at Melanie Clarke's house on the other side of town. She wants me to go with her, and as usual, she doesn't take rejection lightly. Mum is taking Josephine to some sixth-grade party in the community centre, and I contemplate if I really want to go out and meet people that aren't in my life anymore.

"Dora called again. She wants to know if you're going out tonight?" asks Mum, raising her left eyebrow, thinking there must seriously be something wrong me if I don't want to celebrate New Year's Eve.

"I've been thinking about it—"

"Call her and tell her you're going to join her. Dora has been on the phone twice already, and she's right. You have to have fun like you used to!" says Mum.

Nothing is like it used to be, but Mum is right. I can at least try to enjoy myself.

After that, I call Dora and assure her I'll make it to the party. Melanie is our mutual friend. We all went to school together. Melanie stayed in Gargle, found a job as a hairdresser, and appears to be happy. I don't get how Dora managed to even get an invitation. She never used to like Melanie at school. After all, it's Gargle and people don't often organise parties around here.

When Mum and Josephine are gone, I get ready. I put on a short, fitted black dress, and after some touch-up on my makeup, I'm done. I take a taxi to Melanie's house. Her parents must be out of town. Otherwise, she wouldn't be allowed to throw a party like this. She lives in one of those large townhouses outside Gargle. I don't need to look for Dora long. She's outside, talking to a few girls from high school, who obviously came back from Uni for Christmas break.

"Hey, India. Oh my God, could you be any later?" asks my best friend, giving me one of her "stern" looks.

"You said eight o'clock. Besides, it's New Year's Eve. What am I supposed to do here until midnight?"

"Party hard and enjoy yourself." She giggles. Dora's obviously had a few already. She looks positively happy. Her boyfriend Jacob's probably inside.

"I'll try. By the way, how did your visit go?"

"Excellent. His parents are in love with me already, and my mum... Well, you know she's saying I'm not taking Uni seriously." Dora likes to exaggerate that her mum is caught up with her own career too much. My best friend always wants to have something to moan about.

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