Chapter 3 Part 2: The Prop Room

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Loki woke from a much-needed nap incredibly disoriented, leaving behind dreams that were a jumble of images and memories familiar, unfamiliar, and completely fantastical. He opened his eyes to strange surroundings, looking around in a vain hope to make sense of it all.

TOM: That really happened, then. I was hoping it was only a nightmare.

The events from earlier in the day came back in a flash at hearing the other man's voice in his head. It also explained why those dreams were such a jumbled mess, as the memories of both men contributed to the nonsense.

LOKI: Apparently not, for either of us. Not that our reality makes any more sense than those dreams.

TOM: At least the headache is gone.

Loki nodded, relief flooding him as it no longer hurt for him to move his head. With the headache gone, his stomach growled for their attention.

LOKI: Where can I find something to eat?

TOM: I'll show you. I should warn you that I'm on a special diet for the duration of filming.

LOKI: So am I. What kind of special diet do you have?

TOM: One to keep myself looking lean. They want the character to have a 'hungry' look about him.

LOKI: I think I can manage to satisfy our hunger and still look lean.

Loki chose carefully from the available selections, picking mostly fresh fruits and vegetables while including a reasonable serving of protein in the form of lean chicken. He and Thor developed their warrior diet early in life, and it served them well over the years by keeping them at prime health.

TOM: Before you cook the chicken, could I talk you into making some Earl Gray tea?

LOKI: Making what?

TOM: Tea. It's a beverage steeped from the leaves of a certain type of shrub.

LOKI: Is this for medicinal purposes?

TOM: It can be, as certain kinds of tea have known health benefits. It's more of an art form and a part of culture where I come from. If you are going to pretend to be me, you will drink tea quite regularly.

LOKI: You have my curiosity at the very least.

Loki followed Tom's instructions on tea steeping, from filling the water kettle all the way through pouring himself a cup of the hot caffeinated beverage. With his cup in hand, Loki took a tentative sip.

TOM: What do you think?

LOKI: It's interesting. I'm still trying to determine what I think of it. There are certainly a number of distinct flavor notes in it. If I'm not mistaken, at least one is citrus.

TOM: You taste oil from the bergamot orange, to be precise. There are different tea varieties and blends available, so we can let you try others as well. This happens to be my favorite, but I keep others on hand. Many health enthusiasts swear particularly by green tea.

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