Chapter 15 Part 2: Stealing Hope

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Loki arrived in the room along with Tony and Doctor Selvig, the latter working at a computer station while Tony walked off to the side to answer his ringing phone.

"Hey, Pepper. Tell me what's on your mind that you're calling in the middle of a work day." Tony listened to his phone for a moment, the emotions on his face changing from idle curiosity to intense concern. "Glad you called now instead of waiting until I got back to the Tower. I need that information to help me prepare for my visit with the boys tomorrow."

As Tony finished the call, Doctor Selvig looked up at him. "Is it anything related to our work here?"

Tony scowled slightly, thinking for several minutes about what he heard from Pepper before making a decision. "Maybe, maybe not. Nothing that will change our current orders." He quickly cleaned up his workstation, securing anything that needed to be kept from the eyes of others. "I should be back in a day or two."

"Good luck," Doctor Selvig told Tony as he passed Loki to leave the room.

Loki walked over to Doctor Selvig, looking over his shoulder at the doctor's work as he whispered close to his ear. "You will not see anything unusual for the next ten minutes. Complete your day as normal." Enchanted by Loki's words, Doctor Selvig began the steps to secure his own workstation.

Satisfied that Selvig would remain out of the way, Loki walked over to the energy siphoning technology containing the Tesseract. From his pocket universe, Loki retrieved a Rubik's Cube and altered its size to match before casting a second careful illusion that made the toy appear exactly like the Tesseract. He swapped the fake for the genuine article, carefully placing it into his personal storage. Loki smirked, wishing that he could see Doctor Selvig's face when the illusion faded in twenty-four hours to reveal the toy in its place.

As Loki walked over to a small vault with a keypad in the middle of the door, he retrieved the second toy store purchase from his pocket universe. Using the same illusion to transform a children's coloring book to appear as Zola's journal of notes, he entered Tony's access code to the vault. Loki took a quick glance around the room to make sure he and Selvig remained alone before opening the vault and replacing Zola's journal with the book. With the second swap completed, he pocketed the journal and resealed the vault.

Satisfied that two substitutions were out of the way, Loki sought the third and final: the prototype weapon. He left the room with the Tesseract research behind, turning visible at the first location without security cameras. Still wearing Tony's appearance, Loki walked down the hall to the room housing the weapon. He found another secured door accessible by both a code and a biometric scan. Loki entered both as required, and the room opened to him.

Inside the door, Loki walked over to the security vault for the weapon. Once more he reached into his pocket universe, this time pulling out a water pistol. Loki placed another illusion on this one too, matching the appearance of the weapon he recalled from Tony's memories and design notes. Carefully he entered another set of biometric scans and keyed access codes to the vault. He opened the door to find the vault empty and the prototype weapon already missing.

Loki closed the door to the vault in haste, placing the water pistol back in his pocket universe and retrieving the temp pad. He opened a portal back to Stark Tower five minutes after he left, stepping through and immediately closing it behind him.

 He opened a portal back to Stark Tower five minutes after he left, stepping through and immediately closing it behind him

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