2: Olivia

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November, 2018

She had coaxed me out.

Under the pretence of it just being the two of us and no one else, we were heading out to Alligator Creek for a swim and an all-day hike to the waterfall. Marli was trying anything and everything to get me moving and 'back to normal'. From sleepovers, to movies, to bowling, to parties, to getting my university course back on track so that I could graduate in March... nothing was off limits for her to see me smile again.

And some days, I felt like her efforts were working. There were moments in my life now when I felt I could stay really present. Like the other day, I watched a whole movie with mum and was able to recall all the plot points... a first for me in a long while.

But then there were days like today when Marli had to quite literally drag me out of my bed and to her car to get me to go anywhere.

Continuously chanting her mantra that, 'Fresh air will do me good', we had finally reached the National Park.

"Can't I just wait here?" I pleaded.

She barely gave me a glare—these days, my complaints and reluctance were just white noise to her. "Grab your towel and let's go. I didn't get up this early for no reason. If we want to avoid the tourists, now is the best time for our swim," she told me for at least the third time today.

Without giving me time to form a rebuttal, she threw her door open and clambered out.

A small part of me considered just sitting in the car with my arms crossed over my chest as I stamped my foot. But she'd come to my side eventually to yank me out... I needed some sense of control in my life.

Gently pushing open the door, I stepped out of the cool box into the muggy air. At once, my ears filled with the symphony of birds calling to the day, singing their sweet songs. Instinctively, my eyes began to close as the sun prickled against my neck. I didn't care for sunburns... The closer I was to death, the sooner I'd be paying for what I did to Ben.

Though with the gentle whisper of the fresh breeze on my face and the warmth of nature around, I slowly began to realise what Marli meant about land being able to heal people.

Once I pried my eyes back open to see where she was, her gaze already had a knowing look, the corners of her mouth twisted up. She thankfully held in the 'I told you so' comment.

"Come on! I'm sure the water is warm," she said, moving on ahead of me towards the boardwalk that led down to the creek.

I trailed a couple of steps behind her, head twisting this way and that as my eyes hungrily took in the foliage creating a canopy over our pathway. The planks of wood beneath my feet let out tiny groans. The leaves nearby rustled as various creatures played in their midst. I was sure if I closed my eyes and ran my magic into the earth, perhaps I'd even be able to tell which animal—

I quickly shook the thought as soon as it came, reminding myself of the vow I made.

No more magic.

No more fairy.

Only human Ollie from hereon...

We had finally reached the creek alcove. The water whooshed as the stream flowed its merry way downhill, and the warm red rocks by the waterside were dusted with light blankets of sand here and there.

But the good moments came to an end as Marli disturbed my affair with serenity. "Alright!" she cheered. "Down to your togs! Let's go for a dip."

With a roll of my eyes, I took my time peeling off my shirt and shorts as Marli ran out ahead of me. Nonetheless, I eventually complied with her wishes, stumbly stepping across the scolding rock, quick to soothe my feet in the water.

Salvage: Book 3 of the Magic Mutations SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now