21: Olivia

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April, 2019

So much felt like it had changed within me since I left. Yet, as I walked through the bustling London streets where the passers-by hung their heads low in their gloom and the clouds created their overcast hue over the city, I couldn't help but think nothing had changed here in the time I was gone.

Townhouses lined the narrow cobblestone streets, and traffic headed only one way up the road as I weaved around people as though I was on a mission. Though I really didn't have a destination in mind.

I had an earbud in to make it seem I wasn't talking to myself as Ben and I went back and forth in our game plan... Well, I was fleshing out the game plan and he was simply voicing his unending worries.

"I really think you shouldn't go in alone, Olivia," he pleaded. "At least ask Erica or Jade—"

"What part of 'I'm not here to revisit the past' do you not get?" I mumbled back at him before hoisting my bag further up my shoulder and quickening my pace.

I was even staying at a hotel in the East End, hoping that I'd risk no chance of running into them in the West if I stuck to the other side of the city. And he knew that. So why couldn't he get it through his thick skull?

"At least do this tomorrow, then," he tried again.

"The sooner I can leave this city the better," I mumbled back.

"But... why today of all days do you want to go out? Surely you're better off relaxing, having nice food, and—"

"What is so wrong with me starting today?" I demanded, coming to a stop to glare at him.

Ben paused, his eyes searching me, somewhat amused, but mostly filled with morose. "You're so obsessed with your mission you haven't even noticed the date, have you?"

"The date?" I queried. Then, when I realised he wasn't going to help me out here, I reluctantly fished my phone out of my bag. Frustrated and more than at the end of my patience with his games, it took a few moments for it to click as the screen lit up and told me what I had to know. Mostly because I was distracted by how many notifications I had—something I didn't even check after last night's nightmare.

Today was the 29th.

"Happy birthday, Olivia," he breathed, gaze anxiously and eagerly searching my face.

With a sigh, I replied, "This doesn't change anything."

"But it's your twenty-first. Most people are partying, hanging with friends and family. In fact, what better excuse to reconnect with everyone—"

"Oh my gosh. Do you ever quit?" I began storming away again, more than miffed that the tirade had begun once more.

"You shouldn't be alone today."

"I want to be alone though. When will you get that?"

"Oliv—" he started to reprimand, but a scream a couple of streets away stopped us both in our tracks.

"Did you hear—" I started to whisper, glancing his way without care anymore if I looked strange.

His head turned to meet mine, a grave expression washing across his face as he gave me a slow nod.

At once, I started to run.

"Olivia," he called after me as he ran by my side. "I still think—"

"Just shut up, Ben. This is no time to worry if I should have backup. Someone needs me now!"

Though, as I finally reached the alleyway the screams had come from, they had already ceased.

Having just stopped before the buildings separated, I kept my cover for the last moment I could to ready myself.

Salvage: Book 3 of the Magic Mutations SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now