Chapter 4: The Lucki 2

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7:00 @ Club Nokia

"Finally we made it I thought we was von be late!" Said Tara. The 3 girls walked in the building and gave to ticket taker their ticket. " It will be on your left." The ticket taker said. When the girls where officially in , they followed the directions the lady gave them and when they turned left they could here " She could get used to this" coming out of one of the big rooms. They flowed and sound , and right in the room was the bomb digz.

Rose: OMG I can't wait! * squeaks loudly*

Tara: I know but you have to be quiet. They haven't even started and if someone hears us they'll kick us out.

Since the concert had not started yet the girls went go freshen up in the bathroom.

Chanel: I hope they bring us up stage with them. I heard that if they pull up stage you get to go back stage and take pictures and listen to some of their new music.

Tara: If that's so they need to hear up and tweet something about that.

Rose: Lets just finish freshening up and start head back to the room the concert is going to be in.

The rest of the girls proceeded in doing their makeup and fixing their hair.

Ding . Ding. Their phones all went off.
@_the_bomb_digz: "We just wanted yo say it's a big surprise for 2 lucki diggaz." Read the tweet.

Rose: Well I know I'm going to be one of the lucki diggaz!

Tara: A bad bitch like me not bout to be left out , dafaq!

Chanel: I guess we'll just have to see about that , Tara. I don't think Devin wants a dog on stage with. Since a bitch is a female dog.

Tara: *laughs* don't do me!

7:30 @ The Bomb Digz Concert

It's time for the concert who will get called up to the stage Rose , Chanel , or Tara?

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