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Mother!Scarlett + Daughter!Reader (14,f)

Warnings: throwing up

Word Count: 1400+

"I just want my mom" y/n said softly, Scarlett was filming late tonight and didn't want y/n up waiting for her. So, she dropped y/n off at Chris Evans' house to watch her, which he gratefully accepted.

"I know you do, she'll be home soon" Chris said rubbing his hand through y/n's hair as she lay her head on his lap

"But my head hurts and she always gives me good head kisses" y/n pouted sadly

"I know she does sweetheart, let's get you up to bed, your head my ease then" Chris suggested lifting y/n's head of his lap and taking y/n upstairs

"If your mom calls, I'll bring the phone up to you" Chris said stroking y/n's hair back once she was all tucked into bed, y/n gave him a small nod and smile. Chris smiled back and gave y/n a kiss on the forehead before walking out the bedroom and shutting the door

Chris had no idea what was up with y/n, she was normally so bubbly and so giggly when she spent time with him, but this time it just felt off. Chris had felt how hot y/n was and how she kept saying she had a headache, Chris knew the best option was to text Scarlett and explain what was going on, so that's what he did when he was back downstairs.

C: hey Scar! Just letting you know that I think y/n has a bit of a fever, she was very hot and said she had a headache, i checked her temperature and it wasn't too high but still high. X

S: Aww no. Hope she's alright, I'll be back in and hour maybe an hour and a half, only have a few more scenes to do and I'll be done. Tell me if anything gets worse. Xx

C: That's fine Scar, and will do 👍🏻. X

Chris took a deep breath and rested back on the sofa.

After a good 50 minutes, Chris heard some banging upstairs so shot up off the sofa and raced upstairs to see what was going on.

As he ran into the bathroom, he saw y/n running to the toilet, he got behind her and held up her hair, rubbing her back whilst she threw up into the toilet.

"I want mama" y/n sobbed and curled up into the cold wall that was beside her

"I know you do, she'll be home soon y/n" Chris said soothing y/n down, but she only grew more upset when Chris said 'soon'. As if on cue, Chris' phone started to ring, it was Scarlett

C: hey Scar

S: Hey Chris, I'm just calling to let you know I'm driving back now, we finished early. How's y/n

C: That's great news Scarlett! Well, right now she's sat over the toilet, throwing up

S: Oh my gosh, I'll be back in 3 minutes Chris, just hold her hand and stroke her hair, it really helps

C: Will do Scar, thank you

Chris followed Scarlett's instructions and held y/n's hand and rubbed the side of y/n's hair in attempt to calm her down, which slightly worked but y/n didn't stop crying and throwing up

Scarlett got to Chris' house as fast as she could, she slammed her car door shut, opening the door and racing upstairs where she could hear y/n's cries

"Oh hunny" Scarlett mumbled and kneeled down next to Chris and y/n

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