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💚mama Scarly

Mama!Scarlett x Daughter!Reader

Age: 5

Word Count:

I could already feel how hectic this day was going to be, waking up at 4 in the morning was not a good thing.

I have travelled many times and have no problem waking up early. But my daughter Y/n, was awful at waking up early. It just always put her in the worst moods

I took a deep breath before opening my daughter's door. My heart warmed at the sight of her little girl asleep, butt high in the air.

"Y/n" I sang quietly, stroking Y/n's hair back. I stayed silent for a moment waiting to see if Y/n reacted

"Y/n my love" I whispered turning Y/n round onto her back, brushing the hair away from her eyes.

"Wakey-wakey" I said noticing Y/n's face start to crease and adjust itself. Y/n slowly opened her eyes and sitting up looking around room

"Still dark" Y/n mumbled and fell back into the bed

"We're going in holiday with Flo, remember" i said picking her back up and swinging her to my hip

"But I wanna sleep" Y/n said then started to cry silently. I looked into her little tearful eyes, poking my bottom lip out and pushing her head down onto my shoulder.

"It's okay" i cooed and swayed side to side in attempt to calm her down a bit

"Stop it mama" Y/n sobbed and threaded her small sweaty hands through my hair

"I'm sorry love" i whispered and pressed a kiss on the side of her cheek. I brung her back to my bedroom where I had her clothes laid out.

"Sleep mama" Y/n said arching her back and trying to turn away

"You can sleep on the way there baby, just let me change you" I soothed rubbing her tummy and slipping her pyjama pants off.

After I changed her into some day clothes that were comfy, I brought her back up and held her tightly while I brushed throwing the back of her hair gently with a small brush.

"Do you want to bring a teddy bear" I asked bouncing her.

"Bin' po-po" She lisped around her thumb. I nodded my head and made my way back through to Y/n's bedroom with her and picked up her small teddy and handed it over to her

"Po-po 'till tired" Y/n huffed crinkling her nose up

"I'm sorry po-po" I said kissing the top of the teddy bear's head and stroking his big fat ear

"Sorry Y/n" Y/n asked lifting her head up to me

"I'm sorry Y/n" I smiled and kissed her head and stroked her ear as-well

"Yeah, bad mama" Y/n mumbled and nuzzled back into my neck. I chuckled and rubbed her back and made my way downstairs to the front door where all our suitcases were

"Come on hun" I groaned transferring Y/n into her car seat and buckling her in

"Mama go sleep" Y/n asked after having a big yawn and rubbing her eyes

"You can go to sleep my love" I smiled and pecked her small pink lips making her giggle and smile

"Mommy hold my hand" Y/n asked poking her bottom lip out and stretching her hand towards me

"I'll hold your hand in the car sweetheart" i said then shut her door. Once I threw all the bags in the car, I made my way round and sat in the car.

"Mama hand" Y/n said, i looked in the mirror and changed gears as we were on a straight round and held my arm out behind me.

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