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Not the biggest angst but haven't used it yet sooo

Natasha x reader (f)

Word count: 1400+

"Natasha" i called out quietly once leaving the bathroom, this morning I had woken up and Natasha was still asleep beside me, so I went into the bathroom to do what I had to do and came back out to an empty room.

"Natty where are you" I asked opening the closet door, seeing if she was looking for clothes in there.

I frowned when she wasn't and slowly made my way downstairs, normally she would always wait for me.

"There you are Nat, I couldn't find you I got scared" I giggled and made my way over to her, wrapping my arms around her upper body as I was just a bit shorter than her

"What are you making" I asked peering over her shoulder, Natasha didn't answer me and kept on cooking

"Nat" i said looking at her, her face was blank with no show of emotion, i sighed and leaned my head on her shoulder fighting my grip.

I stumbled backwards when Natasha walked back and plated up the breakfast.

"Did I do something wrong" i asked taken back by the fact Natasha wasn't talking to me or even acknowledging me.

Natasha moved out the way and sat down at the island eating her breakfast on her phone.

Normally she would make me breakfast as-well but she never so I knew something was up.

I popped in some pop tarts for myself as I couldn't really cook and almost burned down the house last time, and then sat down opposite Natasha, who immediately got up and put her plate in the sink and left the room.

I teared up a little and lowered my head down thinking I had done something wrong

After I finished eating my breakfast alone, I made many way upstairs and saw Natasha on the bed reading her book.

I walked over to the bed, standing at the end of it waiting for her to look at me. When she didn't, I crawled up onto the bed and over to her, crawling under her arms and laying myself on her body.

She made no effort to move or cuddle me, she just kept reading her book

"Natasha what have i done" i said, my voice breaking slightly

"I don't know what I've done, but please forgive me" I said quietly letting my warm salty tears drip onto her chest

"Please Natasha" I cried rubbing my eyes and looking up to her. Her eyes were still glued to the book and her face showed no expression.

I sighed and got out of Natasha's arms, and headed back downstairs to clean the house a little.

We clearly weren't going to do anything today as me and Natasha aren't speaking so I didn't really have anything better to do.

I finished cleaning the downstairs part of the house at 1pm which was 3 hours, downstairs was big so that's why it took so long, upstairs was even bigger but I couldn't find the energy to clean up there.

So I left it and sat in the living room, watching a movie by myself.

"Yeah, I just finished it actually" Natasha said walking down the stairs, i turned my head around, looking over the couch to see who she was talking to.

It wasn't until she walked into the living room, I noticed she was in the phone and sat down on the sofa in the corner of the living room, where she rarely ever sat.

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