sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ- ɴʀ

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15 years old

Mother!Natasha + Daughter!Reader (f)

Word Count: 1300+

Y/n woke up at her usual time, 8am. She was alone in the compound once again. The whole team had went on a big dangerous mission 3 days ago and we're due to return home today. Which y/n didn't know.

She got herself dressed into some clothes, which was just her mom's hoodie and some shorts. Y/n had massive separation anxiety to Natasha. So when she had to leave for missions y/n found it very hard to say goodbye as she had that fear of her not coming back.

She walked out of her mom's bedroom as that was where she has been sleeping for the past few nights, and went downstairs to the kitchen to make herself breakfast.

Humming to herself, y/n didn't realise that outside, the quinjet had landed. Y/n only knew when she heard footsteps and loud speaking in the compound. She dropped her toast and ran to the door unlocking it and running to the landing pad.

"Hey y/n" everyone greeted walking past her and ruffling her hair. Y/n patiently waiting, bouncing on her feet for her mom to walk out.

Y/n's heart sank when the quinjet door shut tightly. Y/n teared up and slowly turned to the team who had their heads down and walking into the compound. Y/n followed them in as everyone sat in the living with their head in their hands.

"W-where's my mom" y/n questioned letting her tears fall down her cheeks as she thought of the worst possible case.

"Y/n, she-, she didn't make it" Steve said sadly, the team had tears down their faces and all looked painfully sad.

"No, no she's not" y/n cried, stumbling back until she hit the edge of the wall, sliding down it, sobbing.

"We're sorry y/n, we tried everything we could" Sam said, y/n couldn't quite believe what she was hearing

"She's not, s-she said, no" Y/n sobbed harder, losing control of her breathing

"I want mommy" she cried louder, the only noise in the compound was y/n's cries as everyone sat silently.

"It's okay y/n" Wanda said kneeling down to y/n's level and placing her hand on her knee

"It's n-not, where's mommy, I want mommy" She sobbed pushing Wanda's hand away and standing up

"Y/n" Wanda said sympathetically trying to give y/n a hug, but all y/n done was push her back.

"где ты" y/n shouted and cried. Everyone jumped at how loud y/n had shouted but no one dared to say anything [𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮]

"I-i can't b-breathe, I want mommy" Y/n said as her breathing started rapidly changing. The team panicked and Wanda and Steve knelt down beside y/n trying sooth her.

"Y/n, you need to breathe, your gonna make yourself sick" Wanda said rubbing her back and stroking her face

"Want mommy" she cried, shaking her head as her face slowly went red and she started coughing and gagging

"Y/N" came a voice from the other side of the room, y/n couldn't turn her head and only cried harder until she felt she safe arms wrap around her

"Breathe my love, breathe" Natasha said pulling y/n closer to her chest, and pulling her onto her lap

"Mama" y/n sobbed looking up to Natasha, Natasha nodded her head and pulled y/n in again.

"Y-you're not real" y/n cried harder believing she was seeing things, Natasha's face curled up as she looked over at the team

"Y/n, what are you talking about, i am, it's me mama" Natasha said cupping y/n's cheeks

"Y-your d-dead" y/n chocked up, Natasha glared at the team as she had a suspicion off what had happened.

"I am real, I am, look" Natasha said lifting up y/n's head. Y/n looked into Natasha's eyes, still sobbing her small eyes out but managing to keep eye contact. Natasha kissed all around y/n's face quickly

"Did you feel that" Natasha asked, y/n nodded her head, still slightly gasping for air

"Good, now you need to start breathing properly" Natasha said moving y/n's hair back and blowing on her face, Natasha hated seeing y/n cry, this was the one thing that broke Natasha's heart more than anything

"Good girl, now try blowing on my face" Natasha said trying to get y/n to blow on her face. Y/n only cried harder and went back to earlier, gasping for air again

"Oh y/n" Natasha whispered, she laid y/n down on the carpet, bringing her body over the top of y/n's and placing both her arms beside y/n's head, using her fingers to stroke y/n's hair

"Your okay, y/n, I promise I'm here" Natasha said blowing on y/n's face again

"I-it's not t-true" Y/n said wriggling about the floor, trying to get away from Natasha. Y/n believed Natasha was dead and that now she was just seeing things.

"Y/n, calm down" Natasha said gently, lowing her body, stopping y/n from kicking her stomach. Y/n stopped moving around and turned her head looking at Natasha

"I promise your okay, just please breathe for me" Natasha said blowing on y/n's face once more

"Now it's your turn" Natasha spoke bringing her face closer to y/n's, y/n sniffled and blew a gentle puff onto Natasha's face

"That's it, keep going" Natasha smiled cupping y/n's cheeks, y/n was finally able to take proper breaths and blow on Natasha's face hard enough that her hair breezed back.

"Good girl" Natasha whispered, giving y/n a kiss and lifting her back up and onto her lap, holding her tightly.

"Can you tell me what happened and why I came home to you so upset, hm" Natasha asked pressing a kiss y/n's head.

"They said you were dead" y/n mumbled into Natasha's suit. Natasha's head whipped to the team

"What the fuck" She spoke glaring at each one of them who all sat on the sofa, looking mortified

"What is wrong with you people" Natasha said angrily

"We just wanted to pull a prank we didn't know this would happen" Tony spoke, defending them

"I don't think I've ever known some people so stupid" Natasha scoffed shaking her head. She stood up, lifting y/n into her arms and carrying her out of the room.

"Sorry for kicking you" y/n mumbled as Natasha walked into the elevator

"You don't need to be sorry, you were scared y/n" Natasha said placing her hand on the back of y/n's head and rocking her.

"I really thought you were gone" y/n whimpered holding Natasha's neck tighter as Natasha walked down to her bedroom.

"Awh honey, did you sleep in here" Natasha cooed noticing the messy sheets on her bed. Y/n let out a small hum and a slight nod of head.

"I'm sorry they did that to you baby" Natasha said sitting on the couch she had in her bedroom. Y/n didn't reply and only hugged Natasha tighter

"I would never leave you" Natasha whispered comfortingly in y/n's ear

"You know that right" Y/n nodded her head, shuffling as close to Natasha as she could if that was physically possible

"Good, because i love you so much" Natasha smiled and hugged y/n back just as tight

"I love you too mama" y/n giggled and played with the back of Natasha's hair.

It was fair to say that the team never pulled any sort of prank on y/n nor Natasha again, becasue Tony ended up in the medbay when he tried.


My teacher (as I call her now) she's sick, she sounds so bad like her voice has almost gone pft dweeb

scarlett/natasha imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن