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❤️ fluff

Natasha x Reader (f)


Word Count: 1000+

"Get up" i groaned shaking y/n.

"Natasha stop" Y/n shouted and lifted the duvet over her head. She wasn't a very good person at waking up in the mornings

"But we have to decorate the house" I said stretching my leg over her and straddling her stomach.

"Just let me sleep" Y/n said sinking further into the duvet and the mattress

"Y/n, please. For once can you just wake up so we can do something" I sighed throwing my head back

"I fucking hate you" Y/n mumbled throwing the duvet off her face as slipping out from underneath me, stomping to the bathroom and slamming the door. I cheered silently to myself, happy that I got her up and then grabbed the 3 boxes that were laying on the couch and moved them closer to the door.

"How long is this gonna take" I shouted from the other side of the door

"Let's go" Y/n smiled brightly, running out the bathroom and out the bedroom door. I froze, confused as to where y/n got the sudden burst off energy from but shrugged it off, knowing y/n and bringing all 3 boxes downstairs

"How long is this gonna take" y/n said mocking my words in a funny voice. I rolled my eyes, placing the boxes down and looking around the living room, thinking about where everything could go.

"this is gonna be so fun Natty" y/n beamed running up to me, wrapping her arms around my stomach and resting her head on my chest as she was a little bit shorter than me. which i loved of course.

"it is, now come these won't decorate themselves" i chuckle patting her back. Y/n giggles and lets go of me, then crashing down on her knees in front of the boxes and starts ripping everything out like a little kid.

"slow down Y/n we don't want to break anything" i chuckled pulling the box away from Y/n and lifting it onto the sofa and helping her to her feet. we talked for a moment and figured out where we were putting everything so we had some sort of plan and weren't just eyeballing things around the place, which is what Y/n likes to do.

"look Natty" Y/n squealed, i lifted my head up and turned my body as i was crouched down, adding lights to the bottom of the TV. Y/n stood next the the wall, looking proud at how she managed to add the tinsel to the top of the wall with some help of ladders but overall i think it looked amazing.

"that looks beautiful love" i smiled , she nodded, smiling also then grabbed another piece of tinsel and went back to trying to add the rest of it, while i went back to adding green and red lights underneath the TV

"what's next Nat" Y/n asked sitting down beside me as i assumed she had finished the tinsel.

"wait one moment hun" i said focusing on the sticky lights and how it kept frustratingly sticking back to the tips of my fingers.

"look" Y/n said taking the lights off me and carefully sticking them down with no bother

"thank you love" i said, Y/n sat back up, giving me a peck on my cheek beofre bouncing back up to her feet

"can we eat, i'm starving" Y/n asked holding my hand as i stood back up to me feet

"yeah, come on" i tightened my grip on her hand and we both walked into the kitchen looking for some food

"what about these" Y/n suggested holding up some snow cakes

"Y/n we need breakfast. Not sugar" i said crouching and opening the cupboards down there

"but it's Christmas Natty. Please" Y/n said whining like a child giving me big puppy eyes

"fine. 2 each that's it" i said taking the box off her so she couldn't eat all 16. Y/n cheered throwing her hands in the air and watching me closely as i unwrapped the box

"thank you" she squealed taking the 2 that i gave her, then running off with the box

"Y/N. Get your ass back here" i shouted, running after her. She was fast, i had to give her that. But i was faster, as always. So i easily caught up with her, tackling her down onto the living room rug.

"Y/N" i gasped when i found she had eaten 6 of them already. Y/n giggled with a mouth full of the snow cakes, spitting a few bits out while doing so

"That's discusting. Why do you have so many in your mouth" i asked getting off of her and sitting beside her

"Because they're nice" Y/n said, muffled due to the amount of food she had in her mouth. I rolled my eyes trying not to crack a smile but doing so anyway, when Y/n started to choke on the cakes

"all done" Y/n smiled giving the the box with the remaining cakes inside. I sighed and bit into one myself then putting the box behind me on the table

"Can we watch a Christmas movie" Y/n asked when i turned back around

"of course we can lovely" i say stretching my hand out, letting Y/n take it and pull each other back up to our feet and sitting on the sofa.

"which movie" i asked wrapping my arm over Y/n's shoulder letting her cuddle up to me

"elf?" Y/n suggested. i agreed and turned on elf, which was an amazing Christmas movie. Y/n cheered happily when it started to play and cuddled up right into the side of me.

"you comfy there" i chuckled looking down at Y/n who was squished into the side of my boob

"yes" she blushed and turned her face away. I chuckled and ran my fingers through the back of her hair, feeling her melt into the side of me.

"i love you Natty" Y/n whispered tiredly just as we were nearing the end of the movie

"I love you too baby" I whispered back, pulling her head gently down onto my chest, helping get y/n comfy. She hummed in comfort and tried so hard to keep her eyes open but finally gave in 5 minutes before the movie had finished.


I have changed the titles but the emoji colors will be at the start 🥰

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