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🧸Age regression!

Caregiver!Natasha + Little!Reader (f)

Word Count: 1200+


Y/n y/l/n.

We rescued y/n from a hydra base about 2/3 years ago. She didn't have any powers, which was lucky for us but what did happen to her wasn't very nice and she hated talking about it.

Me and y/n grew close. Not in that way but in a friendship way, she was 19 and I was 26 so we both knew nothing could go on plus none of us liked each other like that. We were just best friends.

Y/n was a very, very shy soul. She only really talked to me and sometimes Wanda, she hasn't had a full conversation with anyone on the team and only exchanged a few words. That's how it's been for the past 2/3 years.

As I did every morning, I knocked on y/n's door to see if she was up and awake. I had just finished training, y/n didn't want to be a part of the team and stayed with us because she had no family but even though she didn't really talk, we all knew that she loved us all like a family so we couldn't let go.

"Y/n, are you awake" I asked knocking on the door again

"Noouuu" She whined from the other side, I heard shuffling around before the door unlocked and y/n stood with a red face at the door

"You alright, you look a bit, red" i explained. I pressed my hand against her forehead to see if she was sick but she wasn't.

"I'm fine Nat, don't worry" she said with a little laugh

"Okay. Well, the team are out on a mission and I'm not so. I was wondering wether you wanted a movie day in the living room as it's very rainy outside" i suggested to her

"Yeah. Thats sounds awesome Nat, I'll be down in a few minutes" She said before shutting the door on me

Y/n was very quick putting the stuff on her bed away and in her drawers, which included: her pacifier, her blankie and her night light. None of the team knew that she was a little, and she wanted it to stay that way. Who knows how they would react.

After she managed to put everything away she headed downstairs and joined Natasha in the living room where she had snacks and a movie set up

"Hey sweetheart" she smiled and patted the space next to her

"Hi" she mumbled shy-ly seeing the movie she picked and knowing that she might skip durning it. She sat down next to Natasha and let her put her arm over her shoulder. She cuddled into the side of her and she pressed play on the movie.

It was no doubt that y/n could feel herself slipping, a Disney movie was all she needed and she was done. She tried to not focus on the movie but when the songs came on she had a difficult time.

Natasha was in love with Disney movie's so y/n would feel bad if she asked Natasha to switch it so y/n said there and watched it.

"You okay" Natasha asked when she slightly felt y/n tense up the slightest

"Yeah" she whispered sending Natasha a small smile in return, the truth was that y/n needed the toilet, but, it was the best part of the movie and she couldn't move herself from it.

When the song had finished, y/n felt discomfort and looked down seeing the small wet patch that she had created. She immediately teared up and froze. Natasha noticed how distracted y/n was and looked over at her seeing what had happened

"Hey, it's okay" she cooed rubbing the side of y/n's face and turning her body towards her. Y/n looked up to Natasha in fear and shook her head before looking back down

"Your okay" Natasha said softly and got of the sofa, lifting y/n into her arms and placing her on her hip. Natasha walked y/n who hid crying in her shoulder, up the stairs and into y/n's bedroom.

"It's okay love" Natasha said turning in the bath for y/n.

"Can you change yourself or do you need help" Natasha asked placing y/n down and holding her hands. Y/n didn't answer and kept the red shade on her face and looked down

"Do you want help" Natasha asked seeing y/n's embarrassment. Y/n shy-ly nodded and looked up at Natasha. Natasha smiled and lifted y/n's t-shirt over her head and then took off her pants and panties, throwing everything in the laundry basket.

Natasha lifted y/n back up and placed her into the bath which was now filled up with bubbles. Y/n squealed happy and started splashing around in the water, Natasha smiled at y/n's actions and how happy she was.

"Do you think you can stay here, while i nip downstairs" Natasha asked y/n, she nodded and continued playing the bubbles and giving herself a beard and crown.

Natasha raced downstairs, changing the sofa cushions and fabric, throwing the old one in the washing machine and wrapping the new one on. She did not want to leave y/n for too long.

"Y/n" Natasha called out walking back into the bathroom

"Y/n, where are you" Natasha said panicking ever so slightly when she didn't see y/n in the bath. But as soon as she heard giggles, she relaxed and followed the little puddle trail which lead to y/n's bed.

"Where can y/n be hiding" Natasha played along and sat on y/n's bed, y/n's giggled grew louder and louder until Natasha lifted up the covers revealing y/n who squealed and covered her face

"There she is" Natasha cooed and lifted her up and around onto her lap.

"Where's your clothes hm" Natasha ask patting y/n's naked stomach and standing up with her on her hip. She waked over to a set of drawers, opening them up and pulling out a pull-up. Y/n whined and pushed her head into Natasha's neck, embarrassed at the drawers she had.

"It's okay y/n" Natasha said, laying y/n down on the floor and sliding on her fresh pull-up. Natasha also grabbed some new clothes and also put them onto y/n.

"Do you want anything else" Natasha said lifting y/n back up and onto her feet, y/n didn't reply and just attached herself to Natasha again, wrapping her arm around Natasha's waist and hugging her tightly whining into her stomach.

"You have to tell me what you want sweetheart" Natasha asked stroking the back of y/n's hair. Y/n looked up to Natasha and tapped her lips, then putting her thumb into her mouth.

"Where do you keep it love" Natasha asked, y/n pointed over to the bedside table. Natasha walked over, opening the middle drawer and taking out y/n's pacifier and giving it to her

"All better" Natasha smiled, y/n nodded, suckling on her pacifier and lifting her arms up. Natasha cooed and lifting y/n back into her arms, walking back downstairs to the living room.


I have never written age regression before so I'm sorry if it wasn't very good <3

scarlett/natasha imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora