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💚mama Nat

Mother!Natasha + Daughter!Reader

Age: 10

Word Count: 1300+


"Y/n baby, wake up"

"Love you need to wake up"

I groaned loudly, stretching my arms above my head and opening my eyes slightly seeing my mom sat next to me on my bed rubbing my stomach

"There you are" Mom teased. I smiled at her and slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. Mom took my hands away and held them in her's

"Did you lay out your clothes last night" She asked stroking my crazy bed hair out of my face them moving her thumb to rub up and down my cheek which felt nice. I nodded my head and closed my eyes again, leaning into mom's touch.

"Good girl, I need you to get changed quickly and come into the living room after okay" Mom explained, i nodded my head tiredly and tried to cover up a yawn but failed miserably. Mom laughed at my expression and stood up

"Kiss" She asked. I raised my head up and lifted myself up slightly, pecking her lips. Mom ruffles my hair and helps me get up before reminding me what to do then leaves my room.

I'm never talkative in the morning for some reason. I mean ever since I was little, I'd always wake up and stay silent until I was properly awake, mom found it cute.

I dressed myself in the clothes I picked last night and brushed through my hair as best I could. I could still feel knots in it which made me frustrated a bit but I stopped and thought I'd just let mom brush it.

I ran into my bathroom, picking up my toothbrush and brushing my teeth as fast as I could bouncing onto my feet as I did.

Why did mom want me to go to the living room? We normally just have a few cuddles in the kitchen, have breakfast then go to school

I skipped down the hallways, making my way into the living room and found mom sitting comfortably reading a book, dressed to go.

I silently walked over to her and sat in her lap, straddling her and cuddled into her giving a hum of happiness

"Hey sweetheart. Why've you got your brush" Mom asked rubbing her hand up and down my back soothingly. I didn't say anything and just placed it in her hands

"What do you want me to do baby"

"Can you tell me what you want me to do with your brush" Mom teased. I just whined a bit like a baby and fell back into her chest, pushing my face into her neck

"I'm sorry love, your so adorable in the morning though" Mom cooed and hugged me tightly. She turned me around on her lap before lifting me down onto the floor. She swung her legs either side of me and gently started brushing through my hair

"So. Today"

"I was thinking because you've had an amazing week compared to last week. We can go to the movies after school" Mom explained running her fingers through my hair once she had brushed it

"Yes please" I burst up onto my feet, mom chucked and held my hands tightly, pulling me into her carefully

"But you need to promise me, that you have a good day today Y/n" She said sternly but in a kind way. I nodded my head happily and bounced on my heels

"Good girl. Now breakfast" Mom cheered standing up and taking my hand, leading us both to the kitchen. I sit in my chair while i waited for mom to make me some breakfast, she talks to me for a bit before staying silent while dishing it up

"You have 10 minutes to eat this" She says pointing to my food, i nod my head and dig in straight away.

"Mommy what movie are we gonna watch" I ask her looking out the window at the cars we we drive past

"I can take a look whilst your at school and see what's on and if there's anything I know you'll like. If not we'll see when we get there" She said enthusiastically rubbing her hand on my leg

"Are you gonna get snacks"

"You know I will love" Mom laughed and turned into a parking spot. She turned off the engine before turning to me

"Have a good Y/n. No bad behaviour. I love you" Mom smiled and pecked my lips making me giggle and give her a big hug

"I love you too mommy" I said sweetly and pecked her lips before sliding out of her car and skipping along up to school. I waved her goodbye and entered my school.


"Bye Y/n" My friend waved as we both split our ways. I tried to walk home as fast as my legs could carry me. I quickly opened the door knowing it was unlocked as mom always unlocks it at 3pm for me coming home.

"Y/n" She shouted making sure it was me, i answered back, throwing my bag and coat down somewhere before trying to find her

"There you are" Mom smiled and opened her arms as i started running towards her, she caught me and engulfed me into a massive hug giving me lots of kisses

"Are you ready for a movie" Mom said pulling back keeping a hold of my shoulder and raising her eyebrow

"I was born ready" I giggled and jumped up and down on my feet. Mom grabbed her purse from beside her and held my hand again, locking up the house.

"Which movie did you pick" I asked walking along side mom as we entered the theatre which gave us a big hit of warm air

"It's one of them ones" Mom said pointing to the posters on the wall, there was so many I couldn't decide!

"I don't know. Tell me" I asked tugging on her hand, she chuckled and looked up at them all again before answering me

"This one" She said pointing to the new paw patrol movie. My face crinkled as I looked up at her

"I'm joking, this one" She said moving her hand to the first jumanji movie. I gasped and covered my mouth with my free hand

"Thank you. Thank you" I almost screamed and pulled mom's shoulders down, giving her a big big hug

"Your welcome my love" She laughed into my shoulder and rubbed my back as I bounced up and down in her arms happily

"Let's go" I shouted excitedly and pulled her arm. She chuckled and followed after me as we found our screen

"One question before this starts"

"Do you need the toilet" mom asked before we opened the door. I shook my head uninterestingly and kept pulling her hand towards the room

"Y/n. Do you need the toilet" Mom said again but pulling my arm in this time so I stood in front of her.

"Yes" I mumbled. Mom pulled me the other way as I frustratedly pushed open the doors into the restrooms.

"Wash your hands, come on your 10 years old" Mom sighed. I groaned throwing my head back but went over and washed my hands before running right out of the restroom

"we're gonna miss it" I shouted as mom slowly walked out, she rolled her eyes playfully but came up to me

"Go find our seats" she chuckled. I nodded my head, running off and looking for our seats. There was a few people in here so I stood anxiously by our seat waiting for mom to come

"Which seats yours" She asked, I thought for a minute before cheekily pointing at her, she gasped placing her hand on her chest

"I am not a seat young lady" She joked. I giggled and sat down in the seat next to the isle. As soon as mom sat down, I scrambled onto her lap and placed myself comfortably

"Your adorable" She cooed and pressed loads of kisses on the side of my face. I giggled and grab both of her arms, and put them around my waist. I hold her hands and the the finally starts to play making me squeal at bit



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