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Aged, 5

Mama!Natasha x Daughter!Reader

Word Count:

"Where are you going Nat" Steve asked as she saw Natasha packing a small bag for herself

"Y/n's getting her haircut" She explained, you sat behind your mom's door and as soon as you heard that, you sprinted away and back to your room hiding under your bed.

Getting your hair cut was the worst thing ever. They would always pull your hair to hard and it would end up in tears

"Y/n. I know your hiding" Natasha said walking into your room and opening the wardrobe

"Y/n get out and let's go" Natasha said looking under the bed and finally finding you

"No" you whine pushing yourself further under the bed. Natasha sighed and got on her knees, reaching for your ankle and pulling you out under the bed making you squeal

"I'm not playing Y/n" Natasha said sternly, holding you tighter in her grip

"Please no mama" you cried trying to remove yourself from her grip

"You need your hair cut, it's been 6 months" Natasha sighed, standing up with you and walking out the room with you sobbing into her neck

"It's nothing new, you are going to be fine" Natasha said placing you in your car seat and clipping you in while you threw yourself around

"Please stop crying Y/n. It's only a hair cut baby" Natasha sighed, resting her head on her hand while the other gripped the steering wheel. Your cries quietened but you silently cried while looking out the window and occasionally in the mirror at Natasha.

"It'll be over soon my love" Natasha soothed, lifting you out of the car. You buried you face in Natasha's neck and held you arms tightly around her neck

"If it isn't Y/n" One of the hairdressers 'Victoria' chuckled coming to the front to meet yous two.

"It is" Natasha said with a smile

"Let's get going" Victoria said and led both girls over to the chair. Natasha had finally managed to remove you from her body and place you down on the chair

"No mama no" you broke down, reaching your arms out for her and kicking your legs. The fabric got placed and clipped around your shoulders and your hair was being brushed out

"Ouch" you cried throwing your hand over you face and aggressively wiping your tears.

"Grab a chair Natasha" Victoria smiled motioning to one of the spare chairs. Natasha grabbed it and pulled it over beside where you were sitting and held your hand.

"What are we going for today" Victoria asked running her hands through Y/n's knot free hair

"Nothing" Y/n shouted, crossing her arms over her chest and pouring angrily in the mirror

"Nothing" Victoria repeated chuckling, Y/n nodded her head but kept her pout on her angry face

"You wish. Just a wash and curled Vic" Natasha said rubbing her thumb over Y/n's hand

"NO" Y/n shouted pulling her hand away and using both of them to cover her face while she cried into them. I chuckled to myself along with Victoria while she started getting everything ready to wash Y/n's hair.

"Mama get me out of this" Y/n shouted kicking her head and squirming about.

"Y/n. You need to calm down, it's gonna be over so much faster if you just relax" Natasha soothed, holding your hand again and interlocking fingers with you

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